Chapter Twenty-Six

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Chapter Twenty-Six


"I've been such a huge fan, Ms. Swan," said the woman in front of me. "Your first book grabbed me, and I've been addicted ever since."

"What's your name?" I asked, holding my pen.

"Bree," she answered. "Long and Winding Road, it helped me get out of a bad situation."

I blinked up at her. The breeze forced my hair across my face. This book convention was outside, which was perfect in the mid-February weather, which was balmy and warm, encouraging things to grow. The woman was young, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Eyes that held a story, a dark story. I reached out with my hand, taking hers. "I'm so sorry, Bree."

"Don't apologize. Reading your story, it made me realize that my life was a nightmare and my partner liked to take out her insecurities out on me," Bree explained with a visible shudder. "Regardless, I got my ass out of there after I read how Charlotte and Peter managed to get out of the horrible situation with John. She found Liam ... She got her happily ever after."

"Did you?" I asked, trying not to cry. "Get your happily ever after?"

"I did," Bree nodded with a bright, happy grin. She looked over her shoulder, gesturing wildly. A tall, blonde woman with tattoos and an eyebrow piercing came over to Bree. "Ms. Swan, this is my wife, Irina."

"My girl just adores your writing, Ms. Swan," Irina said with a deep, husky voice. Her expression was filled with love as she looked at Bree. Bree blushed, kissing her wife's lips and I felt my heart gave a little jump. They were so happy. I'd helped them find their happiness.

"You are a beautiful couple," I beamed.

"Can we get a picture with you?" Bree asked, holding her hands up under her chin.

I nodded and stood up, smiling widely. I moved between the two of them and several photos were taken. I sat back down, signing a copy of my book for both of them. As I gave Irina the book, she took my hand. "Your book, it was Bree's talisman, Ms. Swan. I know it was a work of fiction, but it gave her strength to get out of a toxic, horrible relationship. For that, I'm eternally grateful. You helped me find my soul mate."

"I wish you nothing but the best, love and happiness," I breathed.

"I got my forever," Irina murmured, blinking to her wife. "I hope you get the same." She hugged me tightly, which surprised me, but I accepted it, nonetheless.

"I found my forever, too," I whispered to her. "Enjoy the rest of the convention." I sat back down, turning to the next person in the line. After an hour of signing copies of my novels, I was ushered to another part of the convention for presentation for several authors from my publishing company. It was a question-and-answer session, where most the questions were directed to me. My fellow authors were not happy, but I couldn't help that my novels were getting a little more notoriety because of the upcoming movie.

After that presentation, Jasper and I went out to eat lunch at a nearby restaurant. "There's been a change in the schedule, Swan," Jasper said, sipping his beer. "The organizers want a presentation with just you. You're quite the draw, Bells."

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