Chapter Twelve

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I adopted this plot bunny a year or so ago. It really intrigued me. I posted a poll in my group asking which story I should work on next, and this was the winner. It's definitely a WIP. I've only got a rough outline figured out and I'm going back to my roots with this ... writing with a vague plan. I hope that I can do this justice.

None of this is mine ... I wish it was. Sigh ...

Talk about a cliffie from the chapter previous ... That question, among others, will be explained very, very soon. I had every intention to put in a flashback, but it just didn't fit. The next chapter will have a flashback, with an attempted sexual assault, dinner with Paul and some drama.

*Trigger Warning*

Chapter Twelve


Edward drove us back to his place. I'd stayed quiet during the drive and thought about the man who reminded me of my past. I was totally shaken by seeing Paul. Paul Lahote grew up in La Push, but was older than me by at least ten years. His dark skin, bright smile and rough voice reminded me so much of both Jacob and Billy. It brought me back to when I was a teenager, grieving and terrified that I was pregnant.

It brought me back to when I worked my ass off to have most of my paycheck to be taken away by Billy and Jacob for the most inane, unnecessary things, leaving me destitute, and running from Forks with the cash from my boss at Thriftway to flee from the nightmare.

Only to begin a new nightmare.

I ran my hand over my stomach as I got dressed in a blue retro-inspired dress to go The Ivy. My belly that would never hold and protect another baby because of those assholes who denied medical care because they were concerned about the cost. My eyes swept over my scarred torso, remembering each horrific moment and terrifying memory of receiving them. Cigarette burns, scrapes, mottled skin and contorted ropey scars littered my body. I blew out a breath as I slid my fingers over raised scar just beneath my left breast. I thought I was going to die when I received this scar.

There were days I wished I had died that night. It would have been better than enduring the nightmare of my life. Seth deserved so much better than me. He always would ...

xx Blockbuster xx


I was working in a small truck stop off I-5 near Castle Rock. The married couple who owned the truck stop, Ivan, and Pamela, were friendly and understanding about my situation. They let me stay in a small furnished apartment above their garage, paying them affordable rent. When I worked at night, which was rare because I had my son, Pamela would watch over Seth. During the day, Seth would stay at a daycare owned by Ivan and Pamela's cousin.

Today was a rare night where I was working. However, Pamela couldn't watch my boy. She had plans with her church choir. So, Seth was sitting in one of the booths near the kitchen. He had coloring books, my old iPod, and a few toys I'd pilfered from lost and founds during my travels. Ivan, who worked in the kitchen, kept an eye on him while I served the patrons at the truck stop. There weren't many since it was so late at night. Seth was a good boy, even at the age of five. I hated that he had to be here with me, but I couldn't afford a babysitter.

I checked on Seth. It was just after midnight, and we were dead. Unfortunately, we were a twenty-four-hour truck stop. The woman who was relieving me wouldn't be in until two.

"I'm going to toss the garbage, Ivan. You got anything in the kitchen?" I asked.

"Nah, I'm good, Bella," he said.

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