7 Days (Soukoku)

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(Warning: Smut scene {towards the end} in this)

"Atsushi, I'm going out for a bit."

"Ok Dazai-San."

Dazai walked outside and stretched a but, heading to the nearest bar. Walking in, he immediately noticed the redhead at the front of the bar.

He walked over and smiled, receiving a sudden glare from the young man sitting there.

"Why'd you want to meet me, Mackerel?" He asked with annoyance.

"I wanted to tell you that I've taken off from work for a week. And I want you to do the same."

"What? No way, unlike you I have stuff to do!" Dazai was yelled at.

"Please Chuuya," Dazai begged.

Chuuya looked him in the eyes finally, noticing that he truly wanted to spend the week with him.

"Why should I?" Chuuya asked.

Dazai whispered something in Chuuya's ear, causing the latter to blush tremendously and shiver a small bit.

"Alright, fine. I'll call Kouyou-San."

Chuuya stood up and walked out for a minute before walking in and telling Dazai he'd better keep his word.

"Oh trust me, I will," Dazai replied, taking Chuuya's hand and leading him out.

They headed to a nearby hotel. Dazai led Chuuya inside and up to a room.

"So what's the deal with this?" Chuuya asked, gesturing to the room.

"The walls are pretty thick, so I chose this one. Do you not like it?" Dazai asked.

"It's fine. I was just asking," Chuuya replied, sitting down on the bed and yawning.

"The only problem with this room is that there's only one bed and it gets cold at night," Dazai said, a small smile present on his face.

"What?! You did this know purpose!" Chuuya yelled at him.

"Maybe I did, but it's too late to fix it now. So, we get to share a bed, just like old times!" Dazai exclaimed happily.

"You must have a death wish...!"

"That I do, Chuuya. Now, move over."

Dazai sat beside Chuuya and smiled over at him, only to receive a hard glare back.

"I'm going to sleep. Don't try anything," Chuuya said threateningly.

Dazai shut out the lamp and they both went to sleep.

The next morning, Dazai woke up to a small snore beside him.

Looking over, he noticed that Chuuya was still sleeping. He took this opportunity to get some things that he felt they'd need, such as food.

After he got back, he saw that Chuuya had fallen out of bed. He walked over and put the tiny redhead back into bed.

It was a few more hours before Chuuya woke up.

"Jeez you slept long," Dazai complained, glancing at the stove clock. "It's already the middle of the day."

"Well sorry that I was tired," Chuuya replied, rolling his eyes.

He put his hat on. He was about to walk out when Dazai stopped him.

"Where are you going?"

"Out for a walk. Why?"

"Give me a second and I'll go with you."

Dazai grabbed a small coat and walked out with Chuuya.

Outside it was cold. It was also snowing. They walked around for a bit, silence being the only noise around.

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