Vol. 1: Chapter 1.1- The School Of Your Dreams

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April 1st

I was thinking about the ways in which I can pursue this high school life of mine.

At first, I just wanted a peaceful one. A life where I can just stay in the background. But after pondering for a bit, I realized that by doing so it wouldn't be as fulfilling as I thought.

So I decided to live a fun highschool life, experiencing everything it has to offer.

"Excuse me, but shouldn't you offer up your seat."

It seems that while I was immersed in my thoughts, a commotion has occured on the bus.

A young, well-built blond man, wearing the same uniform as me was sitting on one of the priority seats. An young woman dressed as an office lady was the source of the voice. Beside her was an old woman who had been standing for a while now.

"That's a really crazy question lady. Why should I offer up my seat? There is no reason for me to do so." the blonde questioned the office lady.

"You're sitting on a priority seat. It's natural to offer those to the elderly." she replied.

"I'm a healthy young person who certainly wouldn't find standing inconvenient. However, I would obviously expand more energy doing so than by sitting." the blonde rebutted, looking at the office lady with a single eye.

While the two of them engaged in, what I would call a 'pointless arguement' . I reimmersed myself in my thoughts ,drowning out all the unnecessary noise around me.

I carefully thought about what I would be doing in this school. Matsuo made it clear that he wanted me to experience a normal high school life. After all 'that man' robbed me of my childhood.

The option was obvious, to live a peaceful, ordinary life. But this school seems like it is way more than what it is at first glance. So the life of obscurity plan has been scrapped for an even better plan.

I wanted to enjoy myself to the fullest, while also using my abilities. This would also be a good chance to see how different I really am to people outside of the White Room.

With that in mind, I decided to learn, at least the basics, of the topics that the White Room hadn't taught me. One of which is Social Interaction.

Even with my title as 'the sole survivor of the fourth generation', I am still far behind in the knowledge of interpersonal relationships, hobbies and other similar topics.

For instance, I decided to at least become aware of the common and interest among my age group. Some of which include fashion, sports, making friends, being in a relationship, video games, anime manga and light novels.

While I don't have any in depth knowledge in these topics, having awareness of them can bring me a long way. Besides my lack of knowledge can be a good conversation starter.

That was only the beginning of my research. There was still numerous things I needed to read up on about basic social interaction. This was an entirely new battleground for me and my knowledge would be useless if I can't put it into practice.

Since I have, what would be described as a dull personality and a poker face, I decided trying on some fake expressions and a fake personality. However the only expression that I could perform that didn't look strange was a slight smile, so at least I can smile now, just barely. The fake personalities also didn't work, so I decided to go with my real personality, even though I don't really have one.

"Is that really the attitude to take while talking to your superiors? " the lady reproached.

Going back to reality, it seems their arguement hasn't ceased yet.

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