10. Tom Hiddleston | Paradise

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You managed by yourself, but one thing never left you, the nightmares. Whenever you thought back, all those people, children as well. Just... dead.

One night, it was the worst storm since you have been there. You sat back at the furthest part of the cave, trying to keep yourself warm with your found clothes and blankets. You watched the entrance of the cave with fear and alarm. Then suddenly out of nowhere, a man appeared in front of the cave. He was breathing heavily, clothes dirty and wet, he had facial hair, which was an obvious giveaway that he had been there for some time now.

Both of you froze as you just stared at each other. You grabbed your defense knife so if he tried anything, you'd be ready. But he didn't, instead, he was the first to talk.

"Are you from the cruise as well?"

That's when you recognized his face. You saw him, wearing a nice blue suit, shaved, eating with the rich. You heard that he was an actor, but even so, you were glad to have at least one person with you.

"Yes. How did you get away? Are you alone?" you asked, putting your knife down, he came a bit closer to you, the storm was too loud outside. He sat down on the opposite side of the fire. He looked tired and relieved that he found not only shelter and warmth but a person too.

"I'm alone. After the cruise blew up, I was knocked into the water. I survived, but I have this." he said as he pointed at a very nasty looking cut on his chest.

You stood up and opened a luggage, looking for the first aid kit you found earlier in one of them.

When you pulled the white box out, you heard him letting a sigh out, probably relieved that he would get help. You patched up his cut as best as you could. You prepared him by saying that you had to sew the cut together.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N." you said while you applied the finishing touches, trying to keep his mind off of the pain. It was rather hard to do so since you weren't a nurse and he was grunting and moaning in pain.

"Tom Hiddleston." he got his name out during another groan.

When you were done, you put everything into a bowl to wash it. When you looked back at him, he was sleeping. The exhaustion and the pain got to him.


The next day you were there when he woke up. You gave him some food.

"I don't know how long I have been here. What about you?"

"About a week I'd say. I tried to keep track but I just couldn't." he said as he looked at you. "But you made a shelter, I never did. I walked around this island, trying to find something or someone. Then yesterday, during the storm, I was looking for shelter and then I thought I saw light coming from here. I'm glad I was right."

Hearing someone talk was like a blessing, having someone to talk to was even better. You and Tom talked for a very long time. You both shared your stories and basically helped each other get through and over the trauma.

If it wasn't for the tragedy, you would have never been able to sit down with him like this and talk.

And you were glad you had the opportunity since he was a very sincere and kind person. And the fact that he helped you a lot was only a bonus.

You made the most out of your situation, you built a house in the forest near the river, a small wooden house, but it fitted perfectly with the weather and was a lot warmer than the cave.

Since Tom and you were the only ones on the island, you became close. He helped you hunt and skin animals, when you asked how he knew about those things, he said that he had a role like that once.

You soon became friends.

But as one night you finally had enough, you decided he needed to shave. He said he never did it with a blade, so you had to do it.

As you sat in the cabin, next to the fire, shaving the man, you admired his face.

Sure, he was handsome, but without his beard, his cheeks were more visible so was his jawline, and those eyes, those blue eyes had you mesmerized.

He smiled when he noticed you staring at him, but that smile soon turned serious when he noticed just what state you were in. You looked like you were under some kind of spell.

You slowly moved closer to him, staring at his lips then into his eyes. You stopped for a brief second, waiting for him to pull back and reject you, but when you felt his hand on your back, pulling you closer, you weren't afraid anymore.

As your lips melted into his, you completely forgot your situation, you completely forgot the place you were at, all that mattered was how perfectly his thin warm lips felt against yours.

The next morning you woke up naked, on the floor and in his arms.

You wanted to sit up or at least change your position, but he held you way too close and tight. All you could do was wait for Tom to wake up while you stared at the wall thinking.

You wondered if he'd wake up regretting last night. You wondered if he even saw you that way or he just let you do what you wanted to.

And when he finally woke up, you didn't even know why you were so nervous, even if he said he wasn't certain about his feelings, he didn't turn you down, instead, he said he was interested where it will take the two of you.

Sure, the two of you had different backgrounds but the tragedy brought the two of you together, the two of you were able to find heaven on earth and changed the hellish place into a paradise of your own.

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