132. Tom Hiddleston | Rude

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By : your-highnessmarvel

Hello, I read the TH Panel story and loved it! So I was thinking if you would write a fluff where reader plays Tom Hiddleston's romantic interest in new movie and in a panel or con she gets ask a rude (mackie/Stan/Holland comic con rude) Taylor/Tom question while him and rest of the cast are sitting next to reader and by her fluff and clever answer Tom realizes he is in love with her and she is as well?? Thank you and I love your writing style!


Being an actress required a lot of professionalism. Especially when it came to fans and who they perceived your role in a movie or TV series that they were absolutely in love with. It was not easy for you, a well known actress, to live your fans' love and excitement towards you. But you tried. Hell, you tried.

Every time you had a panel, you were sure, in those instants before walking on stage, that you were going to regurgitate everything in your stomach.

This time, though, you had Tom to keep you company. He was eloquent and funny and smart. He was amazing company. Soft and reassuring. He had a presence that made all anxiety leave your body at once.

"Ready pancake?" he asked as he moved by you briskly, a soft hand on the small of your back. You smiled back tightly, watching as he went on stage to the roar of the crowd. Tom was a stage brute. He was good with crowds and journalists, exquisite with fans one-on-one, and marvelous in interviews. He was born for stardom.

As they called your name, you had eyes only for Tom, who was smiling encouragingly. When you sat down next to him, the roar of the crowd still echoing in your ears, he patted your knee gently.

The panel began with customary questions and comments. You were asked about your experience beside Tom as his coworker and vice versa. You played the main character with Tom as your love interest. The plot of the movie was brilliant and echoed values found both within you and Tom's personality. Tom was asked questions about his experience and how he dealt with schedule conflicts for other movies. As usual, he dealt with the questions breezily.

"And now a question for Y/N," the announcer said. A stout little man stood before the microphone with tiny glasses and a malevolent look in his eyes. Oh no.

"I was wondering if you could, uh, comment on the sex scene with Tom?"

The first thought to come through your mind was Rude? You felt Tom stiffen at your side. All at once, you wanted to jump over the table and strangle that stupid man, and at the same time, hide under the table.

But then a slick smile spread on your lips. Your heart quickened in your chest.

"Well," you said, spreading your hands on the table, watching as everyone held their breaths. "If you don't mind, I'd like to know about your sex life. But, by what I see right now, it seems to be quite non-existent."

It was borderline offensive and mean, but you felt that he had no reason to ask about that at a PG-13 panel. And second of all, what a rude and insensitive way to ask.

There was an awkward silence, and then the announcer cleared her throat and asked for the next question.

You felt numb and a bit embarrassed, cheeks pink and skin hot. You felt Tom lean in, a bright smile on his lips. "I think I'm in love with you," he whispered.

Something warm spread in your belly and you giggled. Raising your brow you said, "really?"

He chuckled. "Definitely in love with you."

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