Shaun was still wary of Zayne, but he hadn't noticed how Zayne was bending his head back to sniff at Kyle's unconscious body on his back, focus on getting him home.

"Where are we going..." Shaun whispered to himself, squinting ahead to see the sign post but when they reached it Zayne didn't stop, he'd sped up in to a gentle trot on the way forward, heading immediately for his home which laid just along the field in front of him. With his family inside he lifts his head and howls deeply into the night sky, scaring Shaun.

It didn't take long for his mother to burst from the door, sprinting very quickly to where they were walking. Then she noticed Zayne carrying Kyle as Shaun shook terrified next to him, but she had nothing but a gentle look in her eyes.

"Bring him in...we should really clean that ear" she looks to Shaun. "and dont worry, your brother is in safe hands" Zayne walks back to the house as his mother comforted Shaun with a hug he wasn't quite expecting, leaning into it the longer she squeezes him.

When he was safely out of view in the kitchen, Zayne crossed Alyssa who was texting on her phone before she notices the smell of fresh blood. Looking up at Zayne who was whining at her for help.

It didn't take her long before she rushes over and grabs Kyle from him and placing his safely on the now cleared table thanks to their mother coming in with Shaun, With Zayne going upstairs to turn in private Shaun was left looking at his unconscious brother.

"Alyssa, go get the moonshine from the shed, I need pliers and bandages"

"Yes ma'am"

She hurried off without another word, while Zayne's mother began to clean the blood dripping down Kyle's face, Shaun was beside himself. He had no idea what was going on, who these people were and why they knew Kyle. His thoughts were interrupted as Zayne had finally turn back into a man and had put on some clothes, rushing down to help in any way he can.

"Is it bad?" Zayne asks.

"Well, there's some shrapnel from the bullet lodged just under his ear where it hit...I can remove it but its going to be painful and we dont have anesthetic"

"What about his ear, can it recover?" Shaun asked blatantly.

"No, The ear will definitely not grow back...its cartilage"

"So he wont be able to hear in his right ear?"

"Not necessarily, its too early to tell, the connection from the bullet would've impacted his hearing in many ways but with proper recovery he'll likely hear again" 

Zayne and Shaun both sighed with relief at this and when Alyssa returned with the large tankard of moonshine and a roll of bandage for the ear.

"Whats moonshine?"

"A very strong spirit, he'll appreciate it trust me" she said, Kyle was waning in and out of consciousness, the pain in his head was spreading into a blazing throb, the white hot flush was at the base of his now mangled ear.

"Kyle, sweetheart, imma need you to drink this, take a few good gulps"

Kyle didn't really hear her, but he felt the tip of a bottle touch his lips and he leans his head up slightly to drink it, but the burn of the moonshine had scorched his mouth and continued as it followed down his throat. He jerks away coughing and shuddering.

"I know I know its terrible, but that burn settles after a few minutes" Zayne was watching over him with a worried glance while his sister leaned against the kitchen side, a focused gaze flitting over Kyle's body.

"Zayne, hold his head up slightly, he may not like it now but this never failed me yet" she asked as Zayne immediately comes to aid, sliding his fingers gently onto the back of his head, lifting it slightly as Kyle lets out another cough from the burn.

"God...this fucking sucks..." Kyle slurs.

"Dont worry the pain will slowly numb once it kicks in" Zayne reassures him.

"Not the pain...the moonshine..."

Zayne chuckles as he lets Kyle have another small sip of it, it didn't burn as badly the second time and swallowed it with a look of disgust.

After another few minutes, Kyle was feeling the effects of the moonshine and was dozing off in a deep sleep in Zaynes hands, slowly placing him back down and turning him around so his ear was to the ceiling, in the spotlight of the lampshade above the table.

"Alright, Alyssa take the boy upstairs so he can get a shower, poor thing has blood all over him"

"Why me?!"

"Because I remember how good a big sister you can be, and he needs it now more than ever"

Alyssa was hesitant about this, then took one look at Shaun and felt a rip of guilt cut through her, envisioning her little brother at the same age.

"Alright...c'mon kid, lets get you cleaned up"

The two go upstairs and leave Zayne and his mother alone with Kyle.

"What should I do?"

"You my boy, are going to prepare yourself"

"For what?"

"Your father is returning tonight, and he expects you to join him in the welcome hunt"

"But Kyle...I can't-"

Zaynes mother lightly reaches over the table, pulling his attention to her cyan eyes that shone brightly in the light.

"I know Zayne...Its going to be hard...but you need to control your emotions, you know how important next week is"

"I know it is but...I just never thought-"

"I always believed in you...and I still do, go"

Reluctantly, he leaves through the front door and heads off into the night.

"Well, that just leaves you and me Kyle..."

She pulls on marigold gloves and grabs the pliers from the table, scathing over his ear gently, picking out a tiny piece of bullet. Luckily, Kyle was out cold. Dreaming fuzzy memories of the day he first came to Fordwich.

"If we're going to be here awhile, I might as well tell you about myself" she chirped cheerfully, removing another small piece of bullet.

"I know where to start, my name is Cara...and my Zayne has told me all about you~"


Trapped in Moonlight (Series Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now