10- Ryujin

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"Come on, Ryu. Don't be a party pooper" my best friend tries to convince me to go out. She said I need to get my mind off my mate and what better way than to go out.

I don't understand why she wants that when we're both homebody people. Right, not people but we like to stay home.

"Where are we even going?" I ask but still not moving from the couch.

"We're just gonna walk around and enjoy the fresh air" Chaeryeong says while still trying to pull me up.

"Noo" I shake my whole body to try to break free from her grip, "We can just watch TV. That's more fun than what you're suggesting."

"Fine. I'll go out by myself and people are gonna hit on me and make me uncomfortable. I hope I'll be okay" she sighs.

"You're a werewolf. You can protect yourself" I scoff.

"Not yet. I'm not a full werewolf" she gives up and sits next to me.

"Come on, Ryu" she tries to be cute now which is totally working so I'm not gonna let her know that.

"Fine but only because you need protection" I try to act like her cuteness didn't work on me.

We leave my house and walk to the nearby park. "Hey Ryeong, are you really okay with me being a half vampire?" I ask.

"Yea. I really don't understand why they're so against hybrids. I mean look at you. You're a hybrid but in my eyes you're still a loser" she jokes so I punch her arm. She glares at me and I stop walking.

"I'm so sorry. Don't kill me" I beg right away. Chaeryeong is soft but she's scary.

"Do you think I can go that meeting with you next time? I'm really curious. I want to see the other creatures" I say, changing topics and continue to walk.

"I don't know. I'm afraid they might figure you out if you do. Thankfully we can just tell when someone isn't human but we can't determine what they are exactly but you might show signs that you're a vampire too" she explains.

"Can all supernaturals determine when someone isn't human?" I ask.

"Most of them actually can't. I don't know exactly which creatures can or can't determine whether someone is human or not" she says.

"I wonder why my parents are making Gyu and I live as werewolves though instead of vampires" I think out loud.

"It might be because you have allies in the werewolf world. I mean my family knows about your family and they're okay with it. If the vampires know they might actually kill you. Besides it's easier to live as a werewolf than a vampire."

"How so?" I look at her questioningly.

"If you claim to be a vampire and they see you eat anything aside from raw flesh and blood then they'll know something is up. Yes, they can assume you're half human but they will make sure of that. They'll look for that stone that your dead wears too."

"How do you know so much about this?" I stop in front of her.

"My parents made sure I know all of this to protect you. Our parents have known each other for a long time" she walks past me.

I catch up to her and hook my arm on her shoulder. "You're the bestest friend anyone could have."

She covers my mouth then looks around, "Don't announce it to the world then I'll have people come running to me wanting to be my best friend" She says.

I laugh, "Why are your jokes so lame?" We continue walking.

"They're not lame, you're just too dumb to get it" she pouts.

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