5- Yeji

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We get home from school and I feel so tired. I really hope Ryujin believed me when I said my hand just gets cold easily. I felt something odd when we touched though. The big thing that shocked me today is the fact that Chaeryeing is a werewolf and the fact that I failed to notice that as a Queen.

I'm in my room, trying to relax when my mom walks in. I sigh because I know why she's here.

"Have you decided on you're going to be with?" My mom asks.

"No and I really don't like that you're forcing me. I don't need a guy to help me lead the vampires. I'm capable by myself" I say to her.

"Yeji, I lead us for a very long time and it was hell without your father by my side" she starts.

"That's the thing mom. You loved dad. You chose him. None of these guys you're sending my way is my choice. Yes, you're giving me a choice between them but what if I don't want any of them? Maybe I want to find my own love" I say starting to get aggrevated.

"You're not even thinking of what I want" I say, ready to breakdown.

"You're a Queen. There's no time to think about you want" she says sternly.

"Was being by yourself made you an incompetent Queen? No, so give me a chance to prove myself without anyone at least" I beg.

"Maybe I made a mistake for thinking that you were ready to take over for me" my mom says with a disappointed look then leaves me in my room.

I start crying as soon as the door closes. I love my mom but I hate that she's doing this to me. I hear the door open again so I quickly wipe my tears. Thankfully, it's just Yuna and Lia.

"We saw your mom leave your room so we thought we'd check if you're okay?"

We do live in a mansion so my closes friends and their family lives with us.

"I'm fine. It's just the whole partner thing again. I just don't feel a connection with any of them and I really don't want to be in a loveless relationship" I say.

"At least you have hope. I just found out that the girl I like is a werewolf and I really like her so this is bad because you know vampires are very loyal was we get attached" Lia sighs.

"You barely talked to her" Yuna squints her eyes at Lia.

"It doesn't mean I didn't pay attention to her. She's so sweet and nice. She's shy and adorable. She always takes care of Ryujin and keeps her under control so she's reliable" Lia starts to talk about Chaeryeong. I didn't even realize she paid attention that much.

"Yeah, at least your potential partners are vampires. Lia here can't even be with Chaeryeong since she's a werewolf" Yuna points out.

"I know I've asked before but is there a chance Ryujin is a werewolf too? Why would she be friends with Chaeryeong?" I ask.

"There's a possibility but I couldn't sense that she is. Would it be that hard to believe they're friends?" Yuna questions me.

"Normally, you stick to your kind. Look at us. Even San's friends are also vampires. Same with Yeonjun and Wooyoung" I point out.

"Maybe my Chaeryeong is just that nice to befriend a human" Lia daydreams and Yuna smacks her forehead.

"Does this make you a cougar? Since Chaeryeong is younger than you by like 50 somewhat years?" Yuna teases.

Lia ignores her. "Why are you bringing up Ryujin all of a sudden?" Lia questions me.

"I didn't. You did" I say.

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