My Sword, My Might

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Ten years since the day. Ten years since he was trapped in his metel prison. The occasional pain would hit, but it wasn't so bad.

"Mmmm." A feminine voice said from behind the door. As well as grunts and hisses.

Sure he still hated staying in this cursed palace, his steel body a clear reminder. But....

"Fuck yes!" The same female cried, followed by a deep grunt. Damn were some of the guards fine.

"That was great baby." A deep voice said in a relaxed tone, followed by a sensual giggle.

"You were great as well Rippy." She said. The sound of ruffling filled the room as they calmed down. Though the time they had was shortly interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.

"Damnit." The male sighed.

"It's probably important."

"Or just the queen wanting my assistance. Again." He sighed, strapping his pieces on before he walked to the door.

On the other side was a small dragon in red and black robes. A necklace fangled down his neck with the insignia of the Empire. It was a gold, coiled snake-like dragon wrapping around a black onyx gem.

Riplash opened the door, looking down at the small dragon.

"What." He replied coldly, making the smaller male take a step back.

"Yes, ahem...His majesty wishes for your attention." He informed, looking up at Riplash. Torchlight reflecting off his armor.

"Why?" He asked. Immediately tensing his muscles.

He shrugged. "No clue, she just wanted me to notify you." He explained, nodding and leaving.

He sighed.

"Got to go. You fine here?" He asked the female behind him.

"Yeah. You better go to the queen." She said, cleaning herself off before grabbing her armor.

He huffed, signifying that he heard before leaving.

As he wandered down the halls, the halls he knew his entire life. The walls that made his world, his home, and his life. A part of him knew he had to stay here, to serve, and to kill, for the queen. But another part of him wanted to leave, to get out and never come back. And that part of him was growing more and more everyday.

His mind drifted to the queen. As loyal as he was, he hated her. He hated how she took his ability to feel. To feel the wind on his scales, the cold of winter, the heat of the summer sun, the feeling of another laying against him. Only the pressure against his metel body, if he was lucky.

He wanted to kill her, but he didn't know if he could.

He shook his head, realizing he was right in front of the entrance to the throne room. He sighed, pulling his cold and calculated facade up before entering.

Inside was the queen in all her venomous and bright glory. The sun reflected off her body, shinning like a descendent of the sun itself. The markings on her body twinkled as he approached her, giving a forced bow in front of her before standing again.

"You...wanted me?" He asked, looking up at her massive frame.

She gave a toxic grin, eyeing him up and down before speaking.

"Yes. But first, how have you been? Enjoying the guards still?" She asked, seeing of she could create small talk.

"No. Now what is the job?" He asked, changing the subject back to what it was meant to be.

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