|Cнαρтer ~14|

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Leondro's POV:

Despite I realized some stress through orgasm, sleep was not anywhere near me. After the deed, she lay on the bed with her hand over her face. A moment of silence later, she murmured, I destroy her sex life. How is she supposed to forget me? I burst out laughing as she tosses her leg back and forth on the bed. I walked into the closest and grabbed a fresh suit. As I got dressed, she lay on the bed, torpid, exhausted like she was my wife. I did not mind because I wore her out more than I had intended. She can relax in bed.

Is this your club? '' she asked

Yes, it's my club. What wrong? There is nothing wrong. You just seem to be full of yourself and I am her type, too. She answered forthrightly. liking the honest side of this girl, but she is not what I crave. I do not even know her goddamn name.

My phone find its way into my pocket and told her goodbye, hope life treats her better. She gives me a huge smile and pleaded for a kiss.

I gave it to her because she pleaded for it.I left the club and head home.

Aloya looks like an innocent young adult. Granted that she spent Friday Night with me tells me she is naïve. The other reason is I do not want to get her messed up with my dark world despite everything being shiny on the outside. Shit goes down on the inside.

Arriving at my mansion, the environment was pitch black and tiny lights glittered.

My body fell flat on my bed. hoping sleep dawns on my body. A gunshot erects my body from the bed. Before the siren echoed through the entire building that it was a false alarm.

I could not go back to sleep, so I walked into the right-wing to check upon them. Despite it being around four-ish in, the morning the place was blooming like a fancy restaurant. After my quick checkup, I planned my study guide for today's class.

Aloya's POV;

I jumped out of bed to go rinse my face. The dream kept replaying in my mind as I stood in front of the mirror. I cannot believe you just dreamed about your professor romantically! A voice in my head says. I looked at my reflection and wondered how to feel about it. An undergraduate studying in another state with no responsibilities other than myself.

I could always joke about it. Maybe he liked me too? Is there anything wrong with crushing on someone who is older than you are?

When they're your professor/instructor? It seems more common nowadays people date across age groups. There's nothing wrong with not being able to find someone within your same generation after all—-it's better for different perspectives, anyway!

Maybe we won't end up together either. What if...? What if it was fate or destiny—it would mean something else, wouldn't it?? the thought made me smile without even meaning to which it feels weird.

I am on my way to Professor Arc's office. Yeah, the new professor prefers us to call him by his last name, Arcadia. I knocked on his office door before entering when he answered.

Good Afternoon Professor Arc. I greeted.

Afternoon, miss Aloya. he responded. Why did I progress to ask him how is he was doing? It prompted his attention as he raised his head and stare at me and for a sec and I almost regretted asking. He uttered he was fine.

How are you doing, Missy? He inquired.

I am pretty okay.just ......... ' my hesitation steps in.

Professor took a step towards me, his gaze locking on mine. I could smell the scent of the cologne in the air and it made my stomach rumble.

"You know," he voiced with a sly smirk playing at his lips and a glint shining through his eye, we're not done yet. Professor Arc says.''

My heart skipped two beats before I felt myself go hot all over. Besides, he added as if reading my thoughts -or maybe guessing-,

"It was worth waiting for your company too, Miss Aloya." the professor complimented.

Why would you come here when you are hungry, Miss? I wanted this over with. Okay. The desk has boxes on it. You can start off by arranging the boxes on the left side in the tiny closest there. Alright, Professor Arc.

It's Leon for you when we are alone. He spoke clamant as my eyes widened. It's Leon for you, ' he said, his voice tinged with annoyance as if speaking to a child who is constantly off task.

Okay, Leon. I murmured. His name sparks a sweet tingle on my tongue. I snapped myself out and did as he asked me, arranging the boxes in neat rows on one side of the room. Leon was now lining up more boxes from his desk. When I finished with my task, at least it would be easier for him now everything is in order by size and height order.

''I won't be seeing you after this semester, right? I questioned.''

Only time will tell. He retorts.

Oh right! Now we can have a lunch break before going back to work, Leon. He smiled at me, grabbed two sandwiches wrapped in cling film from his bag while patting my shoulder brace.

When does your last-period class start? Leon questioned.

2:30 PM. I answered and continue I still have time to spare in here.

Not gonna lie I have bin lazy lately my spring ends this week got school on Monday 😭but anyway how we have the new chapter 🎉✅

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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