The array of ingredients had to all be Tasmanian, something people will buy and that Aaron could use more than once in his recipes. It's taken up a lot of time, coffee and energy but we've all agreed on the list we've come up with and Lauren is looking forward to 'sweet talking' the people into some kind of deal. With her mother being a manager, it means I can leave things to them with the confidence that it will be done properly. This will come in handy when I have to go to London.

"So, how's Alyssa doing?" I ask Lauren as I clear off the table of food and drink debris. Aaron has just left to pick up his kids, leaving Lauren and I to finish up.

"She's doing good. Apparently they talked to the parents last night so I'm keen to find out how it went."

"Yeah. Hope they weren't too harsh on them. Do you know when they're coming back?"

"The second it's over with I think. Joe will probably know more though. He hasn't said anything?"

I know this is going to go somewhere awkward so I just shrug, heading into the kitchen.

"No, haven't really seen him the last couple of days."

"Oh." Is all I hear back. I laugh at the disappointment in her voice just as there's a knock at the door.

"Just me!" The voice of Teresa sings out. She comes around the corner and smiles. "How did it go?"

"Good. You here for coffee?"

"Uhhh, I don't know, what time is it?"

Just as I'm pointing out its closer to wine than coffee time, there's a knock at the door. I frown, almost sensing who it is.

The checked, scruffy man seems at a loss as to why anger is the first emotion to greet him.

"Hello Joe." I say, giving him a steely gaze.

"Hi..." he says back timidly and rightly confused.

"You! Me! Garden! Now!"

"Not using adjectives today hm?" he asks quietly, stepping in.

"Hi Joe!" Lauren chirps, looking way too happy to see him.

"Hey." he smiles. Teresa smiles.

"Afternoon." she says. He gives a man-nod back.

"Should I come back later?" He asks in a tone so quiet I almost don't hear him.

"Ohhh no buddy; I'm not done with you." I start pushing him in the direction of the back door. "Teresa, the wine is in the cupboard!"

"Mum. We should go...lets go mum." Lauren hints not so subtly.

"Why? She has wine in the cupboard." Teresa asks back.

"No. We should go." Lauren insists.

"Stay!" I call out. "I'll be back in a minute. If the police ask, I was with you." I then close the door and glare at Joe who looks less confused and more impatient.

"What did I do not?" he asks with a sigh.

"Notice anything strange about the celery garden?"

 Joe keeps his bemused eyes on me a moment longer before he trudges down the stairs toward the so called celery garden. I follow, feeling Lauren and weirdly Teresa's eyes on us.

"What am I looking at?" he asks, folding his arms.

"You tell me. Either there are more species of celery than I thought or those are all different veggies."

Joe throws his head back and laughs which is the last reaction I'm expecting. He then looks at me, laughter still in his eyes.

"I was wondering how long it would take for you to notice."

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