After-School Trouble - KNF 🍭

1.6K 19 4

Creds to - xberupixx
For suggesting this story!!

- Summary -
George is the class clown in the school and Karl hates whenever he disrupts the class. He decides he finally has enough and gives George after school detention for his misbehaving behavior, teaching him a lesson not to
do it again.

They also fight for dominance
but of course, Karl wins.

Sorry it took so long, work
came again.

Karl ! Top
Bottom ! George

Words - 5.6k

Gonna try my best [:



George woke up on the floor. It was a wild party last night he threw in the house and he hasn't gotten to clean up the apartment after every left. Luckily his friends were slumped all on the bed wanting to help him clean up his room after school was over.

He laughed as Sapnap had his arm slumped over Quackity, they were both heavy sleepers. George decided on something that'll wake them both up. He hesitated for a moment before jumping onto the two sleeping men.

Quackity woke up playfully hitting George as he busted out laughing. Sapnap giggled playfully pushing him away.

"YOU IDIOT-" Quackity yelled out to George, hitting him with a pillow as it slammed into his face. Quackity screaming as George caught it and hit him with it. They laughed as George sat onto the edge of the bed with them.

"It's time for school you idiots." George told them, standing up after a while to flip on the lamp lights. Sapnap groaned dramatically from the light.

"Why the hell is your lamp so bright?" Sapnap asked with laugh as the others laughed too.

"It's just a new lightbulb, the old one ran out." George had explained to the still-laying down man. He looked at the time on his watch, they had better get going. If he didn't check the watch on time, they would've probably been late.

"It's time to go." George said, taking a bottle of cologne and spraying it around his body. He had already changed himself he was wearing nothing but a plain black hoodie with a white tshirt and grey sweatpants, it was his comfortable outfit, as he would say.

They weren't dirty at all, all of them had their showers separately before going to sleep in George's bed. He also let them have the bed to themselves, the floor is what he kinda always laid down on anyways so it wasn't as bad for him to lay and and sleep on.

Both Sapnap and Quackity got up from the comfy bed, walking over to the closet where they set their bags at to find them easier. George did the same, walking in the corner of the closet before grabbing his bag out from the shelves.

"You guys head to the car, I'll unlock it once I get the keys." He said, grinning at them.

"Haha, okay!" Sapnap smiled back as he left out the room with Quackity following along behind him.

"Now, where did I put them?" He was currently in a rush. He looked under the bed, nope it wasn't there. In his bag, nope. Neither his bathroom, closet, nor dressers.

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