11 | What More Could I Lose? (A:IW)

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"No...no no, please, brother...Loki." He choked, holding Loki's face, pale with a bleeding nose and mouth, eyes still open with the life entirely gone. Thor tried using the back of his hand to wipe the blood away from Loki's face.

Which brought the scene back to where it was now, the only bit of Loki Thor had left was his blood drenching his fingers, still wet, drying and cold, but enough to feel.

Everyone in the theater winced. "Oh...oh that's fucked up." Rhodey muttered, unable to take his eyes away from the screen. "Yeah. That's like a different level." Ned added.

Rocket frowned, noticing Thor on the verge of tears. "Alright, time to be a captain." He muttered under his breath. He got up. "So...dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying." Rocket asked as he sat down across from Thor.

"Woah!" Drax exclaimed as Rocket sat up in his chair. "I am groot!" Groot shouted and Rocket shot him a look. "Yeah, I know it's me! I can see, I ain't blind like Mr. one eye over there!" Rocket responded and Groot muttered another, "I am groot." under his breath as the other guardians and the as guardians gasped. "Foul mouth." Drax whispered.

"So wait, how did Rocket know about Loki?" Shuri spoke up and Mobius turned around in his chair. "The Guardians found the remains of their ship and Thor's body landed on their windshield, they brought him in and he went to go make himself a new hammer with Rocket and Groot."

Thor had shifted uncomfortably at the mention of Loki's death. "Dead baby brother," Thor corrected with a smile and Rocket cringed sympathetically.

Natasha flinched. The thought of Yelena, her baby sister being dead, it scared her. It scared her a lot, she couldn't imagine how scary it must be for Thor. He had to go through watching Loki die three times.

"Uhm...w-well he's been dead before, but this time I think it really might be true." Thor tried chuckling, but couldn't stop a tear falling from his eye.

Loki bowed his head, before leaning over onto Thor, who took him under his arm without a word. The image of reliving one of the hardest moments of grief he had ever experienced in his life was difficult to watch without some unwanted memories.

Rocket didn't say anything, he just let him talk. He urged him to go on if needed with a look. Thor understood, swallowing. "But...it doesn't get easier each time it happened, it only got harder." Thor's hands gripped his shoulders, his eyes traveling to the ground.

Loki flinched against Thor. He couldn't help but feel guilt. It hadn't been his fault either of the times, but it still was easier to blame himself then have no one to blame at all.

"My...my Loki didn't have an easy life, that I knew." Thor muttered. "There were times when he had me." The screen flashed to Thor holding the back of Loki's neck as he always did, showing a moment of nothing but peace, maybe one of the only moments Loki would get.

It was another time when the older siblings felt as if they had been punched in the stomach. T'challa sent a look up to Thor, who got it and sent it back in return. It comforted him enough to be able to watch the memory again.

"And there were times when he didn't." The screen flashed to Loki letting go of the spear and plummeting into space, nothing but an emotionless rage on his face, Thor screaming after him, the sound echoing and muted.

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