Jagged squints at the art and back at her. "Don't like it? I love it! This is just what I was looking for! You have an eye for talent, girl."

"Thank you, Jagged Stone. It was nice seeing you, but I have to go to school now."

"See ya!" He shouts, playing on his guitar as Fang snores peacefully next to him.

As Marinette reaches the door, Penny comes running over with a box. "Marinette! I have a huge favor to ask you."

"Oh sure. What's-" Her phone rings in her back pocket and she grabs it, groaning, and silences Nadia's call. "I'm sorry. You said a favor?"

"Yes." Penny steps forward and drops the box in Marinette's arm, who's already struggling to balance everything. "Jagged has a concert tomorrow night and there was an extra shipment of t-shirts. We were hoping you could hand them out to your classmates at school. You know, like a free promotion."

"Oh... sure." She looks down at her hands and catches her sketchbook as it falls. "I'll get right on it."

Penny smiles. "Thank you, Marinette! You're a life saver. Here, two tickets for tomorrow night. Bring whoever you want."

"Thank you," Marinette takes the tickets with her teeth and smiles. "See you tomorrow!" She waves with her head before stepping out in the hall and back towards the elevator.

"Do you need any help, Marinette?" Tikki asks from the purse. "I think you're carrying too much."

"I can handle it, Tikki." Marinette stands in front of the elevators, carefully moving her hands to press the button. She can't reach it and sighs as she squats and inches forward. There's a red blur as her kwami flies out and pushes it. "Thanks." She steps in and the doors shut.

"You're allowed to say no, you know." Tikki floats up and takes the tickets out of her mouth. "I know you want to help everyone, but you also need to help yourself."

Marinette shakes off her kwami's concern. "I can handle it, Tikki. I'm a great multitasker!"

Tikki glares at her. "You press the elevator button, then."

She frowns and kneels down and presses the button with her nose. "See? Multitasker."

"I'm just afraid you're stressing yourself out, Marinette," Tikki warns as she hides back in her purse. "It won't be long before you blow."

"I appreciate your concern, Tikki, but I know what I'm doing." Marinette walks through the hotel lobby and prays gratefully that Chloe isn't around. She uses her back to open the door and waits at the crosswalk. "Now I just have to drop off my application for Gabriel Agreste's internship and make a quick stop at home for a quick breakfast and finish my essay."

"What about those shirts you have to pass out?" Tikki reminds her. "The ones you're struggling to carry?"

Marinette adjusts the box of t-shirts, her sketchbook, and the application in her arms, tripping over a rock and thankfully catching her balance. "I'll just hand them out at lunch." The light turns and she crosses the street, avoiding big crowds as she walks towards the Agreste Mansion. She's on the sidewalk across from the school and sees Alya and Nino hanging out by the stairs. "Hey! Maybe I could ask Alya and Nino to hand them out while I finish my to-do list."

"Didn't Penny ask you to do it, Marinette?"

With a half smile, she answers, "Well... yes, but she never said I couldn't have help. Hehe."


Her phone rings- again- and the guilt eats away as she struggles to grab it and answer, hoisting it between her cheek and neck. "Hey, Nadia..."

"Marinette! I've been trying to get ahold of you all morning," Nadia chimes in, busy. "Stupid phones. Never mind that. Listen, I have a very important meeting this afternoon and I would really appreciate it if you could watch Manon for a few hours."

"Oh, Nadia, I would love to help you-" She pauses as she steps over a loose brick in the sidewalk. "-but I'm busy after school. I have to help my parents count inventory in the bakery."

"Marinette, please, I don't have anyone to else. I need you."

Marinette takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes. Just say no. Tikki said I could say no. "Well, I can talk to my parents and see if I can skip tonight."

"Oh, thank you! You're a lifesaver, Marinette."

"Yeah, I knOHHH!" Her ankle twists and she trips and falls off the edge of the sidewalk, landing flat on her face as her stuff scatters across the road. Her phone flies and breaks into pieces. The t-shirts spill out in a puddle, her sketchbook slides across the asphalt, and the pages of her application scoot away with the wind. "No! I can't lose that application!" She crawls across the road, grabbing a loose page, and chases the other ones.

"Marinette, this is dangerous! You shouldn't be in the road," Tikki says, dragging her purse and trying to pull her away.

"If I lose this application, I lose everything, Tikki!" Marinette shouts, diving for a page as it heads towards the in-road sewer. "Gotcha."

Across the street at the school, Adrien walks towards his friends from Marinette's bakery. He was hoping to see her this morning and was disappointed to hear from her parents she left early. "Hey guys!" He shouts, waving at the couple.

"Hey, dude!" Nino greets and Alya waves.

"Have you guys seen Marinette yet?" He asks.

Alya shakes her head. "Not yet. Marinette texted me this morning and said she's on an all-errands trip before school. I wouldn't be surprised if she's late."

Adrien laughs. "I wouldn't either."

"Come back here you stupid paper!"

The three look over to the familiar voice shouting across the street and see their friend Marinette crawling in the road, chasing after her papers. "What is she doing?" Alya screams, jumping to her feet. She cups her hands over her mouth. "Girl! Get out of the road!"

"I don't think she can hear us," Nino says, and puts his headphones back on.

"Marinette!" Adrien shouts, walking down the steps to get closer. "Marinette!"

Tikki hides behind her back and pulls on one of her pigtails. "We have to move! There's a car coming!"

The wind rings in Marinette's ears and she doesn't hear her kwami's words. "Okay! I have all my papers now."

A loud engine roars down the street as it turns a corner, making a sharp turn. The driver grabs their phone and checks a texts, unbeknownst to the girl crawling around in the middle of the road. Adrien glances at the car and back at Marinette. It's too late. There isn't time. He drops his bag and starts running. "Marinette!" His name echoes and she looks up at her classmate coming towards her. "Plagg, claws out!" A green glow covers him head-to-toe in leather she knows all too well and her eyes widen. It couldn't be. The wind takes her breath as a pair of strong arms encase and tackle her, a protective hand on her head as they roll across the street. There's a small cut on her forehead and the pain seems to disappear as she stares into those familiar gorgeous emerald eyes she would always remember in her lifetime. He holds himself above her as she lays still with heavy breaths, reaching a shaky hand out to touch his cheek. "Adrien..."

Whoops-A-Daisy 🌼 (A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now