⋆ chapter seven ⋆

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"No, we won't. That American Dream thing that you guys grew up on, that's all it is now, a dream." Cat replied, sighing.

"She's right, only a quarter of the kids nowadays coming out of college can get jobs." Stuart agreed, tightly squeezing Cat to try and make her feel better.

"Alright, come on. Let's go." Nick told them, clapping his hands together as he stood up.

"Go where?"

"Billy and I are gonna show you what a good time looks like."


"Oh my God, when you said we were going to a club, this isn't what I thought you meant at all!" Cat exclaimed, a horrified expression clouding her face as she realised where they actually were.

"Happy accident, I say." Billy grinned, his eyes scanning the 'club' as one of the ladies that worked there approached them, stopping directly in front of Stuart; who had one hand wrapped around Cat's and the other holding his phone up to his face, his eyes not leaving the screen.

"It's a great big world out there my friend, just three inches up, I beg of you." Nick whispered, leaning in towards Stewie. The second Stuart raised his head, his jaw dropped open and his hand left Cat's as the girl in front of them grabbed it and began sucking on his fingers.

"H-holy crap, that's deep." Stewie mumbled, his face tinging pink as Cat rolled her eyes. Yo-Yo, Lyle, Stuart and Cat follow the girl over to a table, leaving Billy, Nick and Neha standing awkwardly near the entrance.

"So look, I don't want to upset you or anything, so can we just clarify that technically we aren't together?" Stewie said as the three sat down, Yo-Yo and Lyle immediately regretting their decision to follow Caitlyn and Stuart.

"Are you serious?"

"Cat-" Stuart tried, mentally face-palming as he realised he had said the wrong thing.

"No, you know what? You're right. We aren't together, do whatever you like. I'm gonna go buy us all some drinks."

"Caitlyn, I-" he tried again, reaching out for her as she stood up.

"Don't worry, we're fine." Cat said, turning away from the boys as Billy, Nick and Neha joined them. The only thing going through her mind being, 'what a jerk.'.

Several shots later, Caitlyn found herself standing next to Lyle in front of the stage listening to him gush about some dance teacher at Google.

"Just try talking to her, I'm sure it'll work out!" Cat smiled, nodding encouragingly at him, but he wasn't looking back at her, no, instead his eyes were fixed on the brunette on stage.

"No way.. Cat, that's her!" Lyle whispered, the only expression clear on his face being shock.

"Seriously? Dude, go talk to her!"

"Not right now, I can't! S-she's busy doing her thing."

"Right, well I better go check on Neha, you have fun!" Cat called, heading over to a box that rained water, containing Yo-Yo, Neha and Stuart.

"Cat! Cat, oh my God, get in here!" Neha shouted, banging on the glass as she spotted the blonde walking towards them. Grinning up at her friend, Cat nodded and climbed in, Neha instantly latching onto her. "Dance with me!"

"Actually, she is gonna dance with me." Stuart said, pulling Cat towards him. "I have to tell you something, you know how I said we weren't together? I want to change that."

"I don't know, Stuart, we could lose the internship."

"All I've ever wanted was a job like this, but every time I look at you, suddenly I don't care about winning anymore, Cat, please."

"It's the alcohol speaking, tomorrow you'll change your mind. When we got here you didn't want to be with me at all!" Cat said, shaking her head softly.

"No, I won't, I was going to ask you yesterday, but I chickened out. Caitlyn, I really, really like you and I'm sorry for what I said."

"I really, really like you too." Cat whispered as their lips moved closer together, Stewie quickly closing the gap. The kiss wasn't like their first one, this one was more desperate and passionate, but the tingling feeling still erupted through Cat as though it was the very first time, nothing but pure bliss flooding her system.

The next day, it was fair to say the team was absolutely destroyed. Barely remembering the app they had made the previous night before that prevented drunk texting. The seven were sprawled out in their office, all of them looking absolutely awful as Chetty entered, sending a disapproving look toward Cat and Stuart as he noticed Cat cuddled up against Stewie, fast asleep.

"Congratulations, it seems as though you have won your first challenge. Your app being download 10x more than any other teams. Well done."

Almost the second Chetty finished, Yo-Yo reached for a bucket, vomiting harshly.

"Ah, he just gets a little excited." Cat mumbled, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Right." Chetty murmured before leaving, shaking his head at the whole group. And just like that, hope returned to their eyes and each of them smiled to each other, knowing that they now have a real chance of winning this thing.

a/n: Disclaimer- this chapter contains quotes from 'The Internship', I own nothing except for Caitlyn.

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