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You ever thought of hating her but you never hate her even after what happened in the past.

You never did.

You knew what was the reason and understand it more than anyone could ever understand her reasons but she thought you hated her for what she did.

She thought you never know her reasons hence why she's too scared to face you and clear things up cause she knew she would broke down with tears.

She never wanted to ruin her relationship with you as 'sisters' she doesn't want that, she wants you to look at her and be proud of her achievements and how far she has come up to this point.

Of course, her ego doesn't allow her while led to you two being in a cold war of nothing but silence.

"I-" she spoke too soon not thinking of the consequences of her action. When she did she stopped and decided to think throughly with her head hung low, looking at the ground.

You noticed her hesitation and decided to actually encourage her, even though you two are ignoring each other for the past 2 years. You've decided to put an end to this situation today.

You came up to her and placed both of your hands on each of her shoulders before pulling her into a hug.

She flinched by the sudden contact you made with each other before completely melting in your warm comforting embrace with tears forming in her eyes.

'so warm and loving'

She thought while slowly lifting her hands to hug your sides. Before she can fully returns your hug you whispered with the most gentle and caring tone lacing your voice as if it was the voice of an angel.

"Tell me what has been bothering you, all of your problems, all the pain you got from it, and cry it all out until there's no tears left to cry, i will be here to listen to it all "

Her heart aches so bad, her tears instantly fell from her eyes like a waterfall while her hands were tugging to your top tightly with tears soaking your shoulder.

She couldn't do anything but cry, she has always been a crybaby when it comes to you.

You've always been her home, not just hers but Maki's too. The home they had while the other Zenin judged and despised them for being 'weak' .

"I'm sorry..! I didn't mean to hurt you that day..! I was blinded by madness by how they were complimenting you and comparing you to me..." She said in a shaky voice, you knew it all too well.

You've always knew about it, you just wanted her to say it.

To admit that what she did was wrong but not entirely her fault cause in the end it was always the Zenin clan fault.

That day, Mai has never felt more free that before. The day her burdens suddenly got lifted up by her dearest older sister figure she has always look up to.

But what actually happened 2 years ago? What makes you quit Jujutsu world? Does Mai has any involvement in this matter?


"Hm? Oh I'm just preparing dinner for me and Mai." You answered Maki's question on the phone while putting plates and chopsticks on the table, you chuckled at Maki's respond.

"She's training, don't be so harsh on her. She's still your twin after all" you finished preparing the table and decided to end the call cause you need to call Mai.

"I gotta go Maki, dinner's waiting for me and my stomach can't shut up, i will talk to you later" Maki understood your reason before she hungs up the phone.

❥˙𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 || 𝙄𝙉𝙐𝙈𝘼𝙆𝙄 𝙏𝙊𝙂𝙀 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora