Chapter Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

I am holding on to our drinks so tightly I'm shocked they haven't slipped from the condensation.

She has the audacity to smirk at me. "Oh I get it. Y'all are doing it." She plucks one of the maraschino cherries from my glass. She puts it in between her horse teeth and crunches down on it. "Tell me, Ally Girl. Did he pop yours?"

I stand my ground. I need her gone before Harry sees her. "I'm not joking around, Sarah."

"Oh I know! You are defending your little boyfriend! It's really cute."

I refuse to let her condescending tone get to me. I keep my face completely neutral. "Ten."

She doesn't move.

"Oh, please. You can't get me kicked out of here if you tr-"


"Okay, okay. I'm going." She picks up her purse and pulls the long strap over her shoulder. "It was good seeing you Ally. I'm sure I'll be seeing a lot of you soon. Keep his bed warm for me."

"It's Alice," I mutter under my breath. It takes everything in me not to throw the drinks in my hands all over her ugly cheap dress. It might actually improve it. She walks past me and I keep an eye on her to make sure she follows my instructions. I turn back to the bartender who is pretending she didn't listen in on the whole thing.

I place one of the glasses down. "Could you remake this one for me? That woman put her hands in it."

She laughs. "Of course. Boy troubles?"

I purse my lips together and shrug, taking a sip of my own drink. "I guess you could say that. You know how it is."

She gives me the fresh drink, and with a wink responds. "No, actually. I don't know."

I'm about to ask her what she means about this when I feel two arms wrap around my torso. My body that was previously on high alert and ready to punch someone is instantly calmed by Harry's presence.

He plops his chin down on my shoulder. "Oooo, are these for us?" He picks up the new drink and takes a sip. He lets out a small cough, not expecting them to have alcohol in them. "Yup, these are definitely for us. And I'm sure there's going to be a lot of them."

He takes my free hand and brings me around the room. "Come on. We've got some people to see and some hands to shake. And then I have a surprise for you later."

There's a whole butterfly exhibit in my stomach. "Really? What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see."


I underestimated just how many people Harry felt he had to "say hi" to. But I have to say, whatever crush I had on Harry that I thought was gone, was well nurtured tonight.

I'm not going to act on it. Especially right now, he is a much better friend to have than a boyfriend. He's a mess emotionally and definitely ready for someone in his life that isn't Jaime. My gut drops every time I think of her name. I'm sure she's lovely, but I feel so guilty when I think of her.

Am I the other woman? I can't be. Harry and I are just friends. And technically, I knew him first so she would be the other woman. Maybe? It's all so confusing. I've never met her, but I don't think there is anyone in this world that can have Harry come into their world, leave abruptly, and survive that.

And yet, here I stand.

Every person Harry said hi to, he introduced me as "Alice Van Baker, his date." That piercing scream is eleven year old me losing her mind inside me.

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