MC introduction

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Asaki, Yuuji20Black hair, hazel eyesLove anime, doujinshi, manga, etc

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Asaki, Yuuji
Black hair, hazel eyes
Love anime, doujinshi, manga, etc.
Good at cooking, he ded.

when he reincarnates

Miyagawa, Yato/Yaboku17(in this fanfic)

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Miyagawa, Yato/Yaboku
17(in this fanfic)

Messy dark black hair, has light blue eyes with small, round pupils that become narrow when he turns serious or angry, it resembles a cat's.

Reincarnate person, ask to have the same strength and ability of yato from noragami from the god who will reincarnate him,

God of war, god of calamity(formerly), delivery god, also God of fortune.
(In the story of Noragami that is)

Crude, a money-grubber, childish, like to cook, merciless when he turns serious, cold-hearted, friendly, scared of others hating him, playful. Of course, a gentleman pervert.(honestly mc is quite familiar to our badass god yato.)

Patting Kaneko's head, cooking, Aiko's doujinshi, 5yen, money, cats, teasing, paying him for delivering. Mighty bottle full of yen. House that the god gives to him, friends. Sleeping, girls.

Seeing his loved one's hate him, issei's massive perversion, arrogant bastards, killing, taking his money away. Fighting, other's who doesn't finish their food. Cockcroach, hotdog.

Ability and skills

Superhuman physical characteristics: the level of strength, speed or stamina that exceed human capacity.

Skilled Hand to hand combatant:

Different techniques of attacking and self-defense, with the purpose of physical and/or spiritual improvement

Expert swordsman

refers to the ability to use one or more types of weaponry with greater skill than the average person. 


It is defined as the technique of performing maneuvers of balance, dexterity, agility, and coordination. In fiction, the levels of acrobatics can vary between simply performing extraordinary human movements to defiance of the laws of gravity and movement.


The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between.(in this case, our mc can also teleport to a person by calling him using a phone and he can teleport tonhis house.)

Barrier creation

The ability to make forcefields (also known as barriers) to protect the user and/or their allies from physical, energy, and incorporeal attacks.

Empathic manipulation

The ability to allow to influence feelings and emotions.( in his case, it is to severing the bonds with the person or person with things, making it as if they never have met.)

Memory Manipulation

The ability to influence memory. Can be carried out using empathic, 


He can transform by changing his appearance.

Weapon creation

He can create a weapon in any aspects with his hand.

Stealth Mastery

is ability to make use of stealth, generally for the purpose of spying on and/or assassinating targets.(however, he doesn't use it for assassination...its for his childish act...well, he use it for assassinating but seldom.)

He can also hide his divinity.

Enhance senses

It is when a user has physical senses such as sight, smell, hearing, and touch far above what is normal for the user's species. Compared to humans.

Fire manipulation

the ability to manipulate fire. While the intensity of the ability varies, this tends to be a highly destructive and powerful ability when in the right hands, though it can be hard to control.


is the power to withstand the effects of certain abilities through varying means. The highest degree of resistance is outright Immunity.

Illusion manipulation

The ability to create false images to confuse and manipulate opponents. A very versatile ability, illusions can vary greatly in strength and effects, ranging from small and virtually harmless, nothing more than distractions, to incredibly complex. The most powerful illusions can distort a victim's sense of time and mentally destroy them, potentially even causing them real pain or killing them outright. (Our mc can also destroy the illusion or can in and out in the said illusion boundary.)


Attack potency- can slice anything whether it was tangible or intangible, his attack can cut a small house as a child's level(in his case.)

Speed:  massively hypersonic+cuts lightning.

Lifting strength: ... Unknown but...have you seen someone lift a goddamn airplanes with one hand? Forget anime characters, I mean in irl?(mc: isn't this irl?)

Striking strength: serious? Im damn serious, ill cut this whole god damn place in half!

Durability: A god damn op body, only higher class devil can scratch him. Wait, how did kaneko hurt me? Huh? It only affects on humans? Isn't this useless?

Range: can extend his melee range a few meters.

Standard equipment:



Maybe I'll publish chaoter later at night or tommorow. Again, the characters isn't mine nor the og story if noragami and hsDxD, all credits are all from the artist who made such a beautiful and cool fan art and to authors and creator of noragami and HsDxD.

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