Chapter 29 - Missing

Start from the beginning

"You once found out where the target is hiding even though there is only one little clue that was given to you; this mission should be just a piece of cake for you," Vera said confidently.

"And how am I supposed to look for this missing daughter of His Imperial Highness? Shouldn't you at least tell me what this 'daughter' looks like?" I questioned, feeling the urgency of the situation.

"How am I going to find His Imperial Highness's daughter when I don't even know what she looks like?" I reiterated, seeking clarification.

"How old is the Archduke's daughter?" I asked further.

"She just turned six a few weeks ago," Vera responded, providing the crucial detail.

"A few weeks ago, this was before His Imperial Highness's daughter ran away, am I right?" I sought confirmation, to which Vera nodded in response.

"What was the reason why she ran away?" I pressed for more information, wanting to understand the situation fully.

"At least when I finally find His daughter, I have something to say to that child. You know how I don't like forcing someone to go back to their home when they themselves dislike it very much," I expressed, emphasizing my approach.

"The lady and His Imperial Highness had a misunderstanding. The lady got angry, and so did His Imperial Highness," Vera explained.

"Then His Imperial Highness said something that hurt the lady's feelings. Three days after His Imperial Highness left the villa, the lady ran away," Vera elaborated, painting a clearer picture of the events.

"Alright, tell me what does the lady look like," I requested, eager to gather more details.

"Even though she's only six, she's a very small little lady. She has black hair and purple eyes," Vera described, prompting me to raise an eyebrow.

(Black hair and purple eyes, there's only one person that I could think of right now.)

"The lady has an enchanted appearance like her mother. Let's just say that she's a copy of her mother. Here, have this," Vera said, handing me a white folder.

"Take a look at what is inside. I'll have to take my leave now; His Imperial Highness might be looking for me right now," Vera added before disappearing from my sight.

(Black hair and purple eyes…)

(I don't want to think of my little lady, but… what if?)

I glanced down at the folder in my hand, hesitating before opening it. As I flipped through the contents, a picture slipped out and fluttered to the ground. I paused, reluctant to pick it up.

"… …"

"So…" I murmured, finally bending down to retrieve the fallen picture. Holding it up, I stared at the image before me and couldn't help but smile.

"It is enchanting to meet you… my lady," I said softly, my gaze fixed on the picture of my lady.

(So, my intuition was right.)

(The lady is His Imperial Highness' daughter.)

"So, the lady already has a family but lied to Lady Cynthia," I mused, carefully tucking the picture back into the folder.

"All I can say to my lady is that… I was enchanted to meet her, but I'll have to ask the lady about this," I whispered to myself, thinking about what to do next.

"Forcing a child to go back home when she doesn't want to, I don't do that," I stated firmly. However, when I returned home to the villa, I found Lady Cynthia crying in the main lobby.

"Why are you crying, your grace?" I asked, concerned, as I approached her.

"My daughter has disappeared! She left a letter on my table, saying she's leaving, and she didn't even say when she'll be back!" Lady Cynthia cried, clearly distraught.

"T-The lady also gave me a letter. She said she left one for me and hid it in the library. I searched everywhere for it, and finally found it," Madeline, the head maid, explained, showing me the letter she had found. I took the letter from her and started to read it.


Dear Pretty Maddie,

I'm not quite sure how to begin, and I apologize as I've never written a letter before, but there's something important I need to tell you.

If you happen to search for me and can't find me, I'm sorry. But I promise I won't be gone for long. I'll return home as soon as possible.

There's something I need to take care of, and I ask that you please look after my dear mother while I'm away. I can't disclose my whereabouts to everyone, because if I do, Maddie and the others won't let me leave. That's why I must go alone. I hope you understand. Take care always! Please don't worry about me.

P.S. - Kindly inform Mr. Bosworth that I left a flower in his bedroom, along with a letter for him. I will come home, so don't worry.

Yours truly,
Althea M.♡


"Your grace, I'll find the little lady, she can't be too far," I assured Lady Cynthia, who nodded in agreement. Hurrying to my room, I searched for the letter my lady mentioned. After some searching, I finally found it.


Dear Mr. Bosworth,

Remember when you said you'd check on me in an hour? Well, I waited, but you never showed up. I searched everywhere for you, but you were nowhere to be found.

Anyway, I wanted to give you these flowers I picked from the garden. I noticed you like yellow ones, so I picked those. Hope you like them.

I'll be back home soon, so don't worry. Take care of Mother while I'm gone.

P.S. Sorry for sneaking into your room without asking. I didn't touch anything, though, so it's okay, right?

Yours Truly,
Althea M.♡


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