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Five good whole weeks passed by making Taehyung fifteen weeks pregnant he was happy with his new job, Mrs. Choi was nice, she was a caring lady always reminding Taehyung to eat something and not to overwork himself.

She didn't know about the baby though Taehyung was scared he felt as if she would judge him for having a baby at that age.

He tried to hide his baby every single time he went out. Jackson always bugged him asking if he wanted to hook up but Taehyung just declined, telling him he needed to head to work.

Everyone at school were still the same jerks to him, calling him a whore, slut and other offensive words. Taehyung tried to ignore them even though sometimes he let it get to him.

The students made sexual gestures at him and moaned whenever he walked down the halls.

Taehyung was currently struggling as one of the rude jackass of a student was pinning him on the wall, as he started to fake moan into his ear.

"Hey! Fucking let me go you bitch!" Taehyung yelled, struggling as he was panicking as well trying not to hurt his baby. Everyone around them who was circled around the two, were pulling out their phones and recording laughing as they didn’t do anything to help him.

"Shut the fuck up you little whore, just fucking suck like the whore you are," he moaned out as he tried to stick his fingers in his mouth.

Taehyung kept his mouth closed as he tried to release himself from his tough grip. "Fucking let me go you pervert," Taehyung yelled again but this time the guy who was named Jae-wook, stuck his fingers in Taehyung's mouth.

Jae-wook started to slip his hand underneath his skirt, as he started to caress Taehyung's ass. One of Jae-wook's friend pinned Taehyung's hands above him.

Tqehyung gagged as he shoved his fingers deep in his mouth as well. When he took his fingers out of his mouth Taehyung started coughing loudly, almost throwing up. He started spitting as he was disgusted.

"Fuck you!" Taehyung manged to yell, he held his belly tightly as he breathed out, "Fuck you, Fuck you, fuck you" he mummified under his breather everyone were taking pictures and filming him.

He got up from the ground, making his way to the bathroom, he clutched the toilet as he threw up, letting everything out. He started to cry hysterically.

He checked his phone, as it started buzzing with notifications, he saw people tagging him on social media.

He clicked on the notifications that popped up. It was the video of him getting harassed, titled as the 'school's slut'.

At this point Taehyung wasn't surprised anymore. He sat there in the bathroom stall crying for a good two hours.

He went to head to the principal's office. He was going to tell him about everyone who kept talking shit and who kept bugging him.

Taehyung opened the door to the office, the principal got started as he tucked the envelopes in the drawer of his desk.

"Principal Lee," Taehyung cried out.

"What do you need?" He said sternly.

"Jae-wook and his friends keep harassing me and… and Tzuyu she keeps spreading these rumor-" Taehyung hiccuped only to get interrupted by the Principal.

"Chou Tzuyu? She's a sweetheart, how would she spread these rumors about you? She wouldn't hurt a soul in this whole world." Principal Lee chuckled as if Taehyung were crazy.

"No but she's…. She keeps…" Taehyung was running out of breath as it hit him, hard as a brick. He looked at the rest of the envelopes that were scattered on Principal Lee's desk.

He was getting paid, that's why he acted as if nothing was happening to Taehyung. Taehyung turned around storming off out of the office slamming the door shut, he grabbed his backpack putting it on. He ran out of the school building.

He hated this. He hated everyone so much. He pulled out his phone telling Mrs. Choi, he won't be able to head to work as he wasn't feeling well. He hated lying to her as she was so kind to him.

'Get better soon kiddo!' She texted back Taehyung thanked her before he landed on his bed hugging his pillow tightly. Yeontan was wagging his tail, Taehyung gave him a small smile.

"I love you, Tannie, and my little baby," Taehyung mumbled as he rubbed his baby bump. He got another notification, a reminder to head to the doctor to check how his baby was doing. He hasn't gone to any of the appointments even though he should've, but he never did.

His phone was blowing up with tons of notifications. He read the comments which made him feel bad about himself.

'Loves to do it in public I see 👀 😏'

'What a nasty whore'

'Should be ashamed of himself for liking it so much'

@CutieTeTe you're a disgusting whore'

'@CutieTeTe Daddy would destroy your ass'

'@CutieTeTe I bet you would love it if I fucked you non-stop, not making you able to walk for months'

'What a slutty whore'

'Not even ashamed of those clothes?'

'@CutieTeTe Naughty little slut :)'

'@CutieTeTe wanna get that ass railed?"

'@CutieTeTe how much for pics baby?"

'No way this is free hahah!'

Taehyung closed his phone as he muted his notifications. He felt like shit, he hated himself for this. Never did he ever think that everyone at school and in social media would think he was a whore. When he was still friends with Jeongguk no one seem to notice his existence.

But ever since Tzuyu was spreading rumors about him trying to steal Jeongguk away from her she started making him look like a whore. Taehyung cried himself to sleep that night as he didn't want to think about anything at all.

Nothing could explain the embarrassing situation and how everyone thought he liked it but in reality he was about to throw up. Drowning in his own emotions he fell asleep, with Yeontan by his side and his baby who felt his own mother's sadness.

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