9 | We Make A Splash

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"Open your eyes now, godlings. Come on then, open them up." Zhara's voice was soft and calm.

"I'll consider it only if you promise we're standing on firm ground," Max said somewhere to the right of me.

"Yes, yes, we're not airborne anymore." Her voice sounded impatient.

That was when the water in my shoes registered with me. "Aww, we're wet. Again." I wiggled my socks that sloshed around my trainers, recalling the recent Potomac experience.

"Not me." Max winked.

"Well you can hardly expect me to nail a perfect landing, at nearly two thousand miles of distance." 

Zhara's reproachful naggy-ness reminded me of Gamayun but, of course, I wasn't gonna let her know that.

"Two thousand miles?!" Max exclaimed. "Whoa!"

His whoa made me curious enough to dare a peek.

We were standing at what seemed to be the top of a hillock, ankle-deep in a shallow pond. Lazy heat trails drifted up from the water, causing bubbles to ripple up through surface.

Birds flitted and screeched through the surrounding trees, and there was a crust of yellow minerals along the waterline.

Midday sunlight flickered over the water surface as it rushed over a small drop. Sounds of laughter and splashing reached us from the bottom.

I curiously leaned over it to see where the giggles were coming from. At the bottom of the waterfall, there was a much bigger pond.

 Zhara chuckled. "Welcome to the Valley View Hot Springs, Colorado."

"We're in Colorado!" Max and I exclaimed at the same time.

"And it's not even mid-day, that's how awesome my skills are." Zhar-ptitsa's nose turned towards her shoulder with pride, as if she were about to preen herself with an invisible beak.

"How did we get here so fast? I mean, if you can tell us, that is." Warmth crept up my ears. "Just moments ago we were in Washington, DC!"

"Zhar Ptitsas have instant teleportation power. It was enough for you to grab my hair..." She cleared her throat. "I mean, my tail feathers, and I was able to take you where necessary."

"That's wicked cool." Max whistled.

"Now, I'd better head back and tend to my poor birds and what's left of my garden. If I'm lucky, Lelya won't be too busy, and she can give me a hand from above, speed up the grass regrowth a little." Zhara winked at us.

"Oh, I hope they're alright!" My heart tightened at the thought of those poor birds.

"They will be, thanks to you." She smiled at both of us. "Now, what are you waiting for! Get!" Zhara motioned at the pond. "Time to meet the Custodian of the second ritual item, and make sure it hasn't been snatched away. Don't get into too much trouble."

With the clap of hands, her body lifted itself in the air. Zhara stretched out her arms and legs, substituting them for wings and talons.

The bright orange bird sped towards the horizon with a screech of goodbye. Then a lightning flashed, and she was gone.

I took a deep sigh. "Let's head there, I guess." With that, I motioned Max to follow me down the ravine.

In a way, it was nice to know there were Slavic gods and entities out there, because it meant I could curse at someone and have somebody to blame when stuff went wrong.

"Thanks for coming down with me," I said. "I know it'd be so much easier for you to swim."

"Sure." He nodded, bathing me in his warm smile.

Dana Ilic and the Shadow Door (Lightwielder Chronicles #1)  |  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now