Chapter 7: You Don't Mess With Crows

Start from the beginning

Asher: Huh?

*Flapping Noise*

Asher: The hel-

[Asher turns around towards where the caw and flapping noise came from to see what caused it. However, as he turns around a bird flies into his face and starts pecking at him.]


[Asher waves his arms in front of his face in an attempt to swat the bird away. Eventually, it gives up and leaves Asher alone, it flies on top of a lamppost and looks around the area. Asher waves away some feathers in the air and cleans off his vest and shirt.]

Asher: OW! What the hell!?

[Asher looks on top of the lamppost towards the bird that attacked him. The bird in question appears to be a crow. The crow's feathers are as dark as night, its eyes have a vibrant dark violet/royal purple color. It also seems to have a crest of feathers on its head, the black feathers bend up from the back of its head towards the top of it. The bird is looking away from Asher but has one of its eyes looking directly at him.]

Asher: Fucking asshole! What was that for?

[Asher yells at the crow. It looks over to him and caws at him.]

Crow: *Caw*

Asher: Fuck you, pal!

Crow: *Caw*

Asher: Neh, neh, neh, shut up.

[The crow flaps its wings a bit. Like it's challenging Asher.]

Asher: Oh yea? You wanna fight? Here! Eat this!

[Asher throws the burnt piece of bread he's holding at the Crow. It hops out of the way narrowly dodging the bread. It turns around to look at where the bread landed, then it looks back at Asher.]

Crow: *Caw*

Asher: What? You asked for that!

[The Crow spreads its wings out and looks at Asher. Directly at its eyes.]

Crow: *Caw*

Asher: Are you going to attack me or not?

*Flapping Noise*

[A flapping noise can be heard above Asher. A black feather slowly falls onto the ground in front of him. Another crow flies over him and lands beneath the first crow that attacked him, the Crescent Crow. The new crow looks directly at Asher.]

*Flapping Noise*

[Then another one flies over and lands next to the second crow. This one also looks directly at Asher.]

Asher: Hi there...

*Flapping Noise*

[Another crow flies over and lands near Asher, it lands on top of a mailbox. Like the other two, this one looks directly at Asher.]

*Flapping Noises*

[Three more crows fly over and land next to the one on the mailbox. They too look directly at Asher.]

Asher: Uhh... Heeeeeyyyyy guyyyyyys...

*More Flapping Noises*

[Half a dozen crows land onto the ground in front of Asher.]

Asher: Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh...

*Lots of Flapping Noises*

[A lot of flapping noises come from behind Asher. He looks behind himself towards the noise. About a dozen and a half crows are standing on the ground or on objects looking directly at Asher. His eyes go a bit wide.]

Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellWhere stories live. Discover now