22- Calm Down

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Loki looks at Geralt with a challenging look, stands up and says:

-Look how drunk she is!

You look at Geralt, who replies in a sour tone :

-And who are you to tell her how much she drinks? Her father?

Thor seeing the tempers beginning to flare, and looking at his brother who has a homicidal look on his face says calmly:

-Guys, calm down. There's no need for that.

-Loki can you calm your ass down, because I'm not going to stop drinking.

The god of Mischief looks at you with pure rage in his eyes, you know he's only thinking about your well being, but for now what you want to do is drink and enjoy, and it won't be him or anyone else who will stop you, in fact you'll even cheer up the guys a little bit more.

-Thor, truth or dare? -you ask looking over your shoulder straight into those deep blue eyes, without leaving his lap but changing the subject before Loki has time to bombard you with a thousand and one reasons why you should stop.

Thor looks at you a little suspicious at your speed, but even so he answers to put an end to the situation once and for all:


Your eyes light up and you say without thinking twice, I mean, you've thought about it more than once, but anyway...

-I dare you to take off your shirt.

The God of Thunder looks quickly at Geralt and Loki, who amazingly enough are both standing side by side without arguing, looking intensely at you both, and without delay replies:


He puts those huge hands on your waist to get you off his lap so he can stand up. You take three steps back and admire the ease with which Thor takes off his shirt.
You can feel the disapproving and glaring eyes of the other two behind your back, but honestly you don't care because your eyesight is better than anything else.

Feeling a wave of courage coming from who knows where, you approach him looking into his eyes you place a hand on those riped muscles, and start with a finger to draw the contours of his abs without even breaking your gaze. Biting your lower lip, you say almost in a whisper, your heart beating a thousand times:

-Damn Thor... You are so strong.

It's not like this is the first time you've seen him shirtless but something makes you feel a little out of sorts, maybe it's the drink or the excess of testosterone in that room, who knows.

Not a fly is heard only Geralt grunting which makes you break your gaze with Thor, making you look back to see both of them with murderous looks on their faces.

"Oh I like this" you think turning to Thor again and saying:

-Are you guys alright? You look so angry.

Thor smiles and opens his mouth to say something but Loki's cold voice makes you both come out of that kind of trance and brings you back to reality.

-Geralt truth or dare?

The White wolf smiles and replies:


The God of Mischief then says:

-I dare you to put Y/N to bed.

LOKI x GERALT x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now