3- Have a drink...

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Thor pushes you against the bookshelf.

-What on earth is going on!

He tries to whisper, but is too upset to really speak quietly. You draw your eyebrows together questioningly.

-What do you mean?

Thor takes a step back and runs his hand over his face. Fingers on his chin, he gestures with his other hand in the direction of the two men.

-What do I mean by that? Just look at them!

Carefully, you peek past the shelf. You see the two of them facing each other.
With pure hatred in their eyes, they don't take their eyes off each other, as if the other would use the chance to pick a fight.
If that would be enough...
Somewhat intimidated, you turn back around and scratch your upper arm in shame.
Thor props his hands on his hips like an angry mother.

-Y/N have you been... you know?

You look down at the ground and kick an imaginary rock aside.

-Maybe...-You feel very uncomfortable talking about this right now. You feel like you're on trial.

-With both of them?-He probes.

You get very small.

-Maybe....-You mutter to yourself, hoping he didn't hear.

Thor's mouth drops open. He blinks rapidly.

-Wow. Just wow!!

He turns away from you and shakes his head. He doesn't know what to say right now.
You straighten up a bit and raise your finger.

-BUT I didn't know they were your friends! I mean, Loki told me you were brothers after we-


It's Geralt. He's almost yelling your name. You're getting goosebumps.


Again you cautiously peek past the shelf and startle as he stands right in front of you.

-Can we talk?

-Hold on, please.

You turn back to Thor out of Geralt's field of vision and look at Thor for help.

-Hey I'm not your secretary. You'll have to decide that for yourself.- He gestures wildly around, but can't help a grin.

-You can forget that! I have to talk to Y/N first!

Loki now also approaches you and bumps Geralt on the shoulder. The latter looks at him angrily, but holds back with a contra.

-Oh my god.-You whine into your hands.

You walk out from behind the bookshelf and are now all together again in the large living room.
Just as you make the approach to say something, Thor takes the floor.

-Do you need a drink Y/N?

Thor walks over to a large glass case and pulls out two glasses.

-Because this. Is too much drama for me right now.

As he holds the glass, he points a finger at the three of you.
You nod and walk toward Thor's minibar.

-Can I have something too?-Loki asks, annoyed.

-Only for guests who haven't had sex with my best friend.-Grins Thor, but as friendly as he is, he also tosses glasses to the two.

When you have poured yourself something, you leave the room. You lean your back against the wall and take a deep breath.

-Holy shit...-You mumble and drink your glass almost empty.

You look around briefly and discover a door that leads into the garden. Opening it, you are amazed at the huge landscape behind the house.
Trees and flowers grow everywhere. Birds chirp and bees and butterflies fly everywhere.
Down a small slope, a stone path leads directly to a huge pool, next to which there is also a bar. You imagine that Thor has one in every room.
However, you decide to examine the garden more closely another time. Unfortunately, you don't have the time for that.
You slide down the wall of the house and sit down. Now you empty the rest of your glass and put it next to you.

-What am I supposed to do now?- you ask yourself and hope that you will come up with an idea how to get out of this story.

-I could just run away. Yes, that sounds good.

Almost determined to get up again and just start marching, you hear the men say your name.
That's it for the quiet.

LOKI x GERALT x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now