The start of a puzzle

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"All might died because of me,I have no right to live,Die Izuku just Die! Why won't you,yes yes that's pretty high roof,If I jump from there I can just fix everything"Thoughts of Izuku had gone wild. Although all might was able to save the citizens he wasn't able to save himself,the after effects were too much to handle for the frail blonde man.1week has gone past since his death and Izuku was constantly cursing him for the cause,he knew what led to the disaster it was his power,the bond with the devil.

Jirou Residence

"Mom,I am gonna go to the roof for sometime can you look after Pop for a bit"

"Sure honey"

A purple haired girl,letting of what it looked like a new born baby rest on the hands of a bigger gentle figure.She ran up to the stair case pushing through the wooden door,the door beyond which lies the start of her new life.

Izuku was standing on the edge of the roof looking down at the city in night,the stars,it looked so pretty to him, finally he was able to let go of all his attachments, glistening tears and a slight smile appeared in his face,taking a step forward he waited for gravity to act upon him but instead felt a soft pair of hands gripping him tight,he began to loose consciousness,his breathing became faster,vision started to get blury,the intensity of his sweating  increased and h  finally collapsed on to the laps of the owner of the soft hands,

"I know her,who who?yes it was ji-Jirou wasn't it"


She was currently at a lose of words,shifting her gaze upon the sky,she slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath in an attempt to calm herself,the winds around her started to blow faster,the locket around Izuku's neck started to glow intensly along with his bracelet,She opened her eyes only to find herself in the middle of a deep dark forest

"Help me-he-help me"

She heard a faint cry,a familiar yet distant one,she was clue less about the entire scenario but almost instinctively her legs started to follow the voice,the closer the voice came the deeper the Forrest became and finally she reached her destination.

She saw a horrifying scene infront of her, it looked like Izuku,his body was burning inside the huge bright orb,HIS SOUL WAS  BURNING!he screamed desperately for help,his cries going louder by each passing second,the air blowed more furiously and a laughter was heard a deep devilish laughter from the depths of hell


"Ji-Jirou what's going on?"Jirou felt a slight tug on her shoulders,finally coming back to her senses,her hands still shaking

"Mo-mom,I can explain"

Few hours later

Jirou was laying down on her bed thinking about the scene that she saw today,how emotionless Izuku was and the pain he is going through,she didn't know what was going on with him but he needed help and she will give him that.

she didn't reveal in any information about her vision to anyone,after what had happened to her it was certainly hard to fall in sleep,closing her eyes she found herself again in the unfamiliar environment,in that dark forest but this time she was not scared she was determined to save Izuku,motioning through every corner of the forest in her attempts to find Izuku again,it was a failure,was Izuku lost forever?did she arrive to late?

"Jirou"someone called out to her

"Who is it?" She looked back to find a feminine figure approaching her

"Just know that I have the same goal as you to save Izuku,I am just a soul I can't do much,but know this that you have accidentally viewed a work of Satan"


"Yes,Satan The king of Hell"

"but what has Izuku got to do with this"

"We don't have much time Jirou,I cannot explain all that had happened to you,but you  now bear a precious role, answers to all the questions you have will be revealed by time itself but for now you must save Izuku"

"Yes,I will not let you down but who are you actually?"

"I am the mother of Izuku,Inko Midoriya,the heavens through my incomplete will has given me the responsibility to to find the successor of my will and stop Satan,the only one who could do that is you Jirou"

Soon afterwards the entire area was filled with bluish lightning and it's centre was pure white.

The shapeless soul that was later revealed to be Inko Midoriya passed on her will to Kyouka Jirou and this had bonded her to an unfamiliar fate


"Oi,Jirou how long are you gonna sleep today?"


"It's 10:00am already wake up now will you"

"Oh,crap I had music classes today..."

she somehow managed to keep up a facade that portrayed everything was normal and never gave anyone a hint about what had happened with her.

"Why does my left and feels so heavy did tha-"

Her hand was covered in a bluish bracelet with occasional white stripes in it,she had noticed a similar black bracelet on Izuku's hand,she was sure of it,the bracelet definitely didn't come out of thin air,the dream and all that had happened was infact very real and that bracelet was the embodiment of the will of Inko Midoriya....

Author's note: So basically I am updating after a long long time,I had all the ideas about how to continue this story but truth be told I didn't have the will to write this story anymore,but after reading some pretty good books,I got the inspiration again to continue besides I don't want to be the author that leaves the readers hanging midway onto the story and also please leave by some tips on how to improve my writing as I am always trying to improve myself as a writer and tips and reviews aids a lot.

Thanks for reading
Bye bye

And have a nice day ahead.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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