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So this isn't a request I just made it for Kyousuke's birthday. Now it is Character x oc, but like I said it isn't a request so I'm not breaking any rules. (This is just me wishing Kyousuke a happy birthday.)

Anyway hope y'all like!!!

The shrill voice echoed through the classroom, gaining everyone's attention. The fluffy blonde beside me jumped at the mention of her name. Nervously she looked up from the paper, scribbled ideas covered it from top to bottom.

"Yes, Sensai?" Her voice was tremulous.

"Do you think doodling in class is more important than schoolwork?"

"No Sensai."

Frowning, the teacher crossed her arms. "No, then why don't you come show the class how to work the next problem...since you clearly know what to do."

Sliding out of her desk, she shuffled to the board.  I chuckled to myself, amused by the sudden stiffness in her body. She had no idea what she was doing.

Sensai tapped her foot impatiently. "Well, do you know how to do it?"


"Well, then you best start paying more attention," turning her nose she waved the blonde away. "Back to your seat then, and I would advise listening this time."

Burning with embarrassment, the blond quickly took her seat. For the rest of the period, she quietly took her notes. I didn't say anything, just watched from the corner of my eye until the bell finally rang.

Instead of following everyone out, I waited for the blonde.

Grabbing her things she walked past with a faint blush. "Not a word."

Amused I followed after. "So, what were you drawing this time?"

"Can't say."

I watched her for a moment. Normally she would be jumping at the chance to show her art. Shrugging the thought off I followed after her, towards the soccer club.



The whistle echoed throughout the soccer field signaling the end of practice. Sighs and groans of satisfaction could be heard from my teammates as they went to get water from the managers.

"Well that was fun don't you think Kyousuke?"

Turning, Chasity stood holding my water out. Her blonde hair had lost some of its fluffy from sweating during practice. Though her hair looked tired, she still healed a warm smile on her face.

Smiling I gratefully took it. "Thank you."

After cooling off, we headed back to the club room. Quickly getting dressed, I waited outside for Chasity. A couple of minutes passed before she finally came out. I chuckled as I noticed her hair was now back to being fluffy.


"I can't visit Yuuichi today," smiling sheepishly she added. "Maybe tomorrow."


Smiling she gave me a small peck on the cheek before turning to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

I watched her retreating figure disappear down the street. It had been a while since it was just me going to visit Nii-san... With one last look, I turned in the direction of the hospital.

I didn't think her being gone one visit would be bad, how wrong I was. The rest of the week continued to just be me. In fact, after that night she seemed to avoid me and the hospital visits altogether. Whenever I asked she would just say something came up and give an apologetic smile.

It even got to the point I would ask Nii-san for advice, sadly he wasn't much help. All he had to say was that she was probably busy and I should give her time. I tried giving her space, however, missing her made it hard to do this.

I missed her little hello kisses and hugs whenever I met up with her in front of the school. Even the small chats we had wearing lunch. Slowly I just went back to giving everyone the cold shoulder.


"Hey, Tsurugi you heading to the hospital?"

Stopping in the doorway, I turned to see Tenma following behind me. "Yeah...why?"

"Just wondering," he looked around before turning back to me. "Is Chasity not going with you?"

"She had something to do.." Grumbling I walked out the door.

Tenma said something, but I didn't stop to listen. Truth be told I had stopped asking her to go, I guess I was too tired of being told no. I especially didn't want to be let down today, considering it was my birthday.

With a heavy sigh, I picked up my steps towards the hospital. At least I would have Nii-san to hang out with. Though it would be nice to also have my girlfriend to hang out with...

Stepping out of the elevator I headed for nii-sans room. When I got there took a small breath, shaking the lonely feeling away before entering the room.


Colorful confetti and streamers exploded at me from party poppers. Slowly they fell to the ground, allowing me to see the room better. Decorations were hung up all over, making the room more colorful than what it already was. In the room were Chasity and Nii-san with empty poppers in their hands.

Jumping forward Chasity tackled me into a hug. "Surprise!"

Flabbergasted, I looked to my brother and back down at her. "What's this?"

"A little birthday surprise for you, me and Yuuichi planned it."

"It was mostly her idea, in fact, I only helped her come up with ideas," Nii-san added.

I stared back down at the short blonde for a second. "Is that why you've been ignoring me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I just ended up caught up with all the planning."

Smiling she pulled me over to Nii-sans bed. There were two presents on the bed. A chocolate cupcake was perched on the side deck, a little candle in the center.

Though I was curious about the presents, it was decided that the cupcake should go first. This sadly meant I had to go through the song, luckily it didn't take too long.

The rest of the party was pretty simple, I opened the two gifts nii-san had gotten me along with Chasity's. After that, we just talked about random things until visiting hours were up.

"Well, did you have fun?"

I smiled softly as I notice Chasity fiddling nervously with her fingers. Taking her hand I pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, but how about you don't ignore me for a couple of weeks next time."

"Okay, I promise," lifting her pinky she locked it with mine.

I chuckled lightly, I sometimes forgot how much of a dork she was.

"Oh, I almost forgot to give you my last gift!" Leaning on her tiptoes she gave me a small peck on the lips. "I hope that also gives me forgiveness?"

Smiling playfully I pulled her closer. "It's a start."

Leaning down I locked our lips together, for a longer kiss than before. Smiling into the kiss she wrapped her arms around my neck, deepening the kiss. The kiss lasted a couple of minutes before we finally broke apart.

Panting lightly Chasity smiled. "Happy Birthday Kyousuke."

Humming lightly I pulled her in for another kiss.

Words 1146

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