Chapter 1

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Chapter 1| "new friends"; The New Guy |

Alex; POV:
Hi I'm Alex, Im from New York as you know, I'm from America or USA. I'm only 17 years old, in a high schooling. I wasn't great at making friends but I have a stepbrother, his name was Matthew, I call him Matt as a nickname heh he doesn't like that nickname though anyway. My high school is uhh different than other schools
My high school was called World Foreigne High School, they usually call it WF High school or WFHS. Yeah, I meet other people from different country's. Like USA, Canada, China, Russia, and you can call it any countries. Today, some chaos students in the class,while the teacher trys them to be quiet down. the teacher was named Mr. Charles He was an smart teacher but kind of aggressive guy but nice. He's a English Teacher, Mr. Charles was a Australian.
It was a bit hard to understand what he was saying cause' the Australian account is strong. Eh. I'm used to it for now.
Mr. Charles look his watched, then we heard the knock knock coming from the door.
Mr. Charles yelled said

"everybody calm the hell down please,
I think the new student is here today.." Mr. Charles said as he goes to the door.

Everyone in the class, was surprised we have a new student, but I didn't care if we had a new student anyway..

"Whoa! We have a new student, teach?"
Whoever said that, that was Mario,
an Italian guy in our class.

As Mr. Charles was about to open the door he say "yes I don't want to tell it all to you so it's a surprise. Now be quiet!!" He shouted but not really loud, he might let it heard it from the teachers or the other students. Idk..

The students begin to stay quiet, was curious about the new student and i was too.
is it a boy or girl? Well, let's see..

Mr. Charles open the door, the new student was a guy! *sigh* I knew it. but he was kinda tall to be honest wow. he seems like 6"0 Cm?
Maybe yea.

" everyone meet the new student, please introduce yourself!" the teacher said.

He look really nervous and started to introducing himself.

"Uhmm.. Hello! My name is Allen,
Allen Isaac A. Noorvik" he smile-lip kindly.

Wow, so he's name is Allen uhh Issac A. Noorvik huh? He looks like a European or Western guy? Hmm. now I'm Interesting about Allen now..somehow?

"Well hello Allen, welcome to World Foreigne High School," mr charles look at us, "If anyone has any questions for Allen, now asked away!!" He said.

"..." Allen is honestly nervous I can see.
Allen saw the Italian guy, Mario was the first hand up. "Uh you the guy with-" he was cut off by Mario so he ask excitement eh..

"Where are you from!?"  Allen was surprised he ask quickly so he answer away.

"I was born in Norway, my father was half American, half Canadian, half Norwegian, and half Finnish. My mother is an Asian, from the Philippines. Sooo..uhm yeah heh"
Oh wow. Thats cool. I may thought he was just pure European or Western well nvm.

Every single students in the class was getting seems like Interested to Allen now.
They were shock and whispers each other,
Some of them don't believe he was half, half and half uh yeah u already know it.

" whoa..thats cool!" Mario said.
Allen thanked him. The next student's hand up another curious question. Allen let the student ask ahead

"How actually tall are you? You're almost taller than Mr. Charles! Oui?" that girl was a French girl, named Emily.

"Hmm. I am may be 6"0 feel tall cm?" He answered. Emily shock idk why students are so shock about this guy so much ..
Mr. Charles coughs at that answer quietly..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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