Chpt 1

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Mallory's pov:
I ring the doorbell of the triplets house, bag of food in hand. Matt flings open the door with a big smile. "MALLORYS HERE!!" He shouts behind him before giving me a tight hug. "Mmm, you smell good!" He mumbles, I hold up the bag of food "no I don't.. your just a fatty" we both laugh a little before heading inside. I set down the bags of food on the island of the kitchen counter, "took you fuckin long enough to get here!" Nick comes and places a quick kiss on my forehead before  searching for his taco in the bag.

"Do not even, it's not my fault you decided to order 6 bean and cheese burritos.." he pulls out his burrito "Oh my god I CANT get this into my mouth fast enough" Nick says running to grab a paper plate "God your an animal, don't you even THINK about sleeping next to me after eating all those nasty ass beans."

I hand Matt and Chris there food. "You a real one" Matt dabs me up and goes to sit down. Chris reaches for his food and I pull it back quickly "your gonna Venmo me right..." he stars at me blankly "dead ass?..." I giggle a little before handing him his tacos. "You must think I'm actually an asshole."

He gives an annoyed dirty look. "Your welcome!" I wait for a thank you in response but instead he turns around heading up stairs "asshole" he whispers. Alright...I guess that works to not unusual for him to be on his man period.

I go and sit right in between Nick and Matt.
We watch movies while we munch.

-45 mins go by-

Nick looks over at me and Matt "okay great, now I wanna kill myself, I'm suing whoever has the remote" I slowly push the remote in between the couch cushions, I don't care what anyone says... the perks of being a wallflower is GOOD. But of course, Matt notices. Immediately he pushes me off the coach with no hesitation. "YOU HAD IT THE WHOLE TIME?" Matt yells! "Yesss I love this movie!" I cry "Just because your depressed doesn't mean we all are!" Nick yells playfully

I start to get up and I look down and realize Matt pushed on top of Chris's old sweet tea cup from breakfast. "Aww fuck!" I try to wipe my clothes dry but my pants and back are covered in tea. "Look what you did Matthew!" I let out a worried laugh considering it also got onto the white couch. "Its alright! just go change." Nick says as he helps me up. "Oh Gurl.." Nick turns me around and giggles a little "it's aallll in your hair!" Matt says. "NOO!" I say defeated "no no your straight your straight! You can rinse off in my shower!" Matt runs upstairs to turn on the shower.

Mats pov-
I run upstairs to start the shower, I felt kinda bad considering it was kinda my fault! Chris walks out of his room to throw away his food bag, "you showerin?" He asks, I didn't really hear what he said so I just said "yea" but I guess it didn't matter cause Chris just walked out anyway. I try to find a towel to cover the shower door considering it's glass and there's no lock on the new fancy door nobs Nick insisted we instal. But don't remember the last time I did laundry and I only have one towel. mall is gonna need it to dry off.  "Womp Womp".

I hate you- Chris sturnioloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt