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Be John

You are now John Egbert! You are a 15 and happily dating Vriska Serket! She was a bit scary at first when you met her, I mean, she has 7 fucking pupils in one eye, a blue streak in her blonde hair, and a pet tarantula! But, she is pretty nice once you get to know her! Something about that blonde hair... And her glasses look so cool with one of them as a shade...

'Ow fuck what the hell?' someone just pinched you! You turn to see Dave, your best bro with a smirk on his face and a note in his hand.

John, look at the note. You do and read it,

"Hey John. Terezi and I are going to hang out after school. wanna come?"

You smile. Except, you don't like the way Terezi is around Dave. She does use it to see, but she SERIOUSLY likes to lick his face a lot! You write back on the note "Sure! :B Can Vriska come 2?" You slide the note back to Dave and just await his approval, completely dismissing whatever the teacher is currently saying. It's last bell anyways, you'll get to leave school soon and hang out with Dave! He finally gives you a nod, making his perfect godly hair bounce a bit. You smile back, feeling your buck teeth go over your lip a bit. God you hate when that happens. People used to bully you for it.

*bzzzzzzzzttttt* Yes! That annoying as fuck bell can only mean one thing! A giant stampede of hormone raged teens cascading down the hall.

"John," Dave grabs your arm, "Wanna walk with me?" A twinge of hope in his voice.

"Sure! Just let me text Vriska and tell her to meet at... Where are we going?"

"To Rose's house. Kanaya will also be there." You used to have a crush on Rose. You even told her about how you liked her! But she replied with something heart-shattering for you, "John, I am not a heterosexual." You guys are both over it now of coarse! She even has a nice girlfriend named Kanaya now!

"Great!" You quickly text Vriska as the two of you start to leave the classroom, Dave keeping you from running into another person who undoubtedly would be able to squish you flat. It's not even like you are that short but most of your friends are just really tall! Except Karkat. He is, as Dave says, "An angry oompa-loompa who likes to look goth and say cuss words"

Holy shit it's cold outside. 'It is winter you dumb dumb' you think to yourself. You breath out a shaky breath, watching it turn into little puffs in the wind. You feel Dave start to get closer to you. I wonder what he is thinking?

Be Dave.

You are now Dave, a 16 year old, (haha I'm older than Egderp), who is dating Terezi Pierope, a blind ginger girl who uses other senses to see. You are currently walking over to your half sister Rose's house to hang out. What will you be doing? You have no idea. But she and Kanaya snuck up on you today and asked you and Terezi to come over, and invite John, who they knew would invite Vriska. She has this weird way of knowing a lot of stuff before it happens. Your only special power is you can just know what time it is without checking a watch or clock. Some power huh?

"Huhhhhhh" you hear John breath out a big puff of air. he is obviously cold. Maybe if I get closer he'll get warmer? Before you know it your arm is around John and he is looking at you like you killed a damn puppy.

"Dave? what are you doing?"

"Egdork you are freezing and just like a bird with her eggs I must warm you. Ironically of coarse." Blame irony. It works every time.


You guys finally get to Rose's house nd knock on the door. You look down at John and your arm is still around him but now he has snaked his arm around your waist.

"Greetings." You and John jump a little, not expecting the sudden noise.


"Hey Rose!"

"Nice to see you guys. Come in, come in!" She motions into the house. Why is she smiling like that? With her goth black lipstick it looks even creepier.

"Hello Dave And John. I Presume That Terezi And Vriska Will Arrive Soon?" There's Kanaya in the kitchen just sitting on a bar stool.

"Put your bags wherever. Mom won't mind and Roxy won't be home 'till later."

"Okay thanks Rose!" Egbert just smiled the most adorable smile that he can do where his teeth go over his lip. Fuck. You are dating a girl for gogs sake! And John has told you 'No homo' more times than you can count. He won't ever be gay.

Yes Homo (JohnDave/DaveJohn/PepsiCola)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang