Welcome to forks

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Welcome to my book which I hope you enjoy 😉. This is an Edward Cullen x reader because I love him and why not. Also, spam the comments I love reading them

Y/n had just arrived in forks Washington after a long drive. She had hoped that this would be her final destination for a long time. She had spent her whole life running, she was able to find out about her last living relative, Charlie swan. Once she reached out to him he immediately agreed saying he'd appreciate some company in the house as his daughter had chosen to live with her mom permanently. She pulled into the driveway of Charlie's house seeing him standing outside waiting for her arrival. She got out of her car and walked over to charlie awkwardly. " hey kid, it's been a while" he said bringing her into a warm hug and making y/n sigh in comfort. it had been forever since she had a hug, let alone from a family member. "yeah I don't even remember it here, it's been what like fifteen years?" she asked with a slight chuckle pulling from the hug. "somewhat" Charlie replied. They both stood in what felt like a comforting silence as they both aren't very talkative people. charlie then moved toward her car " Need help with your bags?" he asked, Y/nshook her head "oh no, I didn't bring much" she lied. Well not really, truth is she didn't have much to bring, all of her old belongings were locked away in a home, in the town she was sure she'd never be welcome back in.

At that y/n grabbed her things from her car and followed charlie through the house. The house wasn't extravagant like her old one but it was a home and that was all she could ask for. As if he was reading her mind charlie said "it's not much compared to your old home I'm sure" he said having a slight blush on his cheeks which y/n could tell was from embarrassment. "its lovely charlie" she said. charlie smiled a bit and lead her to the bedroom he had set up for her. "I remember you mentioning you liked painting so I got some supplies." he said pointing to a small art station in the corner. Y/n smiled and thanked charlie while looking around the room. Charlie left, he wasn't one to hover which Y/n was thankful for. She was able to get settled in fairly quickly so she let herself wander around the house and get comfortable with the layout. She was in the kitchen when she heard a honk come from outside, she went to a window and saw two men both tan with long black hair but one older in a wheelchair, and the other much younger, maybe around her age.

Y/n went outside to greet the guests when Charlie introduced her " Uh y/n this is Jacob and Billy Black" he said gesturing to the two, "Jacob, Billy meet y/n, my niece" he said and y/n waved at the two. The older man billy spoke up "it's about time your here, he hasn't shut up about you since he found out you were comin' " he said teasingly, the two older men started tussling with each other   Making y/n  turn to Jacob "are they always like this?" She asked chuckling. He smiled "it gets worse with old age" he replied. "I'm Jacob by the way, which you already know. We were like best friends for the week you were here years ago" he said laughing. She smiled "you must have an excellent memory," she said shaking her head and looking down at her feet. "No I just have a lot of pictures and stories," he said. "Just from one week?" She asked now looking him in the face with her eyebrows raised. He chucked "you wouldn't believe it, I'll have to tell you some someday," he said "yeah for sure" she replies smiling. Charlie and billy came back towards the two teens "so y/n, how do you like it?" Charlie asked. 

Her face morphed into confusion "like what?". Charlie patted the back of the truck "the truck, bought it iff billy for you, you said yours wasn't holding up too great.". Y/n's jaw dropped "no way! You did not! This is awesome!" She exclaimed happily. Jacob nodded "I rebuilt the engine for you, it's as good as new" he said proudly. "This is amazing thank you!" She exclaimed opening the door to the car hitting Jacob on accident to which she apologized and he just shrugged it off. She hopped in the driver's seat and Jacob joins her in the passenger. "Okay, so you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift" he said handing her the keys.  She turned to Jacob with hope "maybe I can give you a ride to school?" She asked with hope. Jacob's face fell slightly "no I go to school on the res" he said.
Y/ns shoulders slumped "that sucks, I would have liked to know at least in person at school". Jacob and billy stayed for a while Jacob chatting with y/n and billy with Charlie. When they left y/n decided shed cook dinner as a thank you bit letting her stay. After dinner, she went to bed so she could get a good night's sleep before school in the morning.

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