Chapter 1

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"Haisley, wake up. We're going to be late!" Olivia yelled, rummaging through her outfits, getting ready for the airport. She was so excited, as she was getting married in a few months to the love of her life. She finished putting on the final touches to her makeup and quieted down when she heard absolute silence. Shaking her head and sighing loudly at her lazy roommate, but also her best friend of six years, she barged into the room next door, slapping the unoccupied pillow onto Haisley's face.

What the hell? I was having such a nice dream of riding elephants, and now it feels like an elephant is stomping on me. Once again, she felt something slam onto her face. She brought her hand to shield her face from the attack as she woke up, squinting at the culprit that dare to wake her up before noon. Even though she's in her mid-20′s, she took her sleep seriously, having just finished her last overnight shift at her local clinic. She glared at the short brunette haired girl standing in front of her, grinning ear to ear.

"What the hell was that for Olive?" The annoying woman just continued grinning, shrugging her shoulder and bounced out of the room. She was too chirpy for Haisley who was not a morning person in the slightest. She looked at the clock and saw it was only seven in the morning. Haisley hasn't slept more than two hours. Now, she was more than annoyed.

"Get your ass up Haisley. We have to be at the airport in two hours." She heard Olive yelling at her from her bedroom. Grudgingly, she rolled herself off the bed, grunting from the lack of sleep. She did take it upon herself to do this last shift, as she loved working at the clinic. She enjoyed working with the animals, dogs especially and she thrived off of taking care of them and seeing the love they show in response. She was going to miss it before she moved back home to Canada at the end of the summer.

Haisley freshened herself up, excited to be spending her summer with Olivia in her hometown, Magnolia Springs, Alabama. She has never been to Alabama but looking up pictures of the town, it was beautiful, surrounded by lengths of trees and houses in the middle of nowhere. It looked so calming to live in and it definitely called out to Haisley. Haisley dragged her suitcase that she packed up a few days ago, rolling it towards the living room. Olivia was already there waiting by the door, bouncing up and down, definitely jittery from the lack of coffee.

"Forget the caffeine this morning Olive?" Haisley smirked as she put on her coat.

"There's no time. We have to go now!" Her eyes widened with excitement. Haisley giggled at Olive, raising her eyebrow.

"A little excited are we? How long has it been again since you've seen your fiancé? I briefly remember seeing him last year during spring break." Haisley's thoughts went to that day that she walked in to find Olive stark naked on the couch with a man she's never seen before. Just as quickly she walked in, she stepped right out and didn't come back home till Olive gave the all clear.

Olivia must have been thinking of the same thing as she blushed, turning shades of red. "Yeah, that was the last time I saw him. With all the internships and clinic work, I couldn't go see him, and he was busy with um...his work as well." Olivia looked a little nervous at the mention of his job, but Haisley let it go, being too tired to pry information out of her. Both of them have been so busy the past two years finalizing their studies, and just graduating, they didn't have time to do anything but study, work and let loose once in a while at some bar. Haisley didn't know much about Olivia's family other than that they ran a few businesses around the states, including reforestation, which Haisley admired. Olivia was clearly sensitive about family, so it was not a topic they often discussed. Once in a while they will share childhood stories and laugh about silly boys they've dated.

They locked up their apartment and got into the waiting taxi, preparing for the very long flight to Alabama, almost 40 hours of flying. Haisley was going to use that time to get all the sleep she can. She closed her eyes, reminiscing about the first day she met Olivia and how she has become like a sister to her.


It was the first week of veterinary school and already Haisley was stressing out from the workload. She was about to have a mental breakdown. Her mother didn't approve of Haisley's choice to go across the world to study, but her father had understood her passion, and had personally seen to it that Haisley would be settled for a few months, before having to find a part time job to help pay for rent.

She sat down in one of the back rows for the last class of the week, exhausted from all the textbooks she was carrying, spending half a fortune on books that she won't even need next semester. She huffed as she looked at the syllabus for her current class, seeing how she required another damn textbook that cost $200. She sighed and scrolled through the lesson plan. She then felt a presence sit down next to her, turning to see a short brunette girl. She beamed at Haisley, giving her hand.

"Hi, I'm Olivia." Haisley returned the greeting, introducing herself. This girl was too chipper, the complete opposite of Haisley that it was draining Haisley even more. But this girl could not take a hint. She chattered away, talking about how amazing the city is, the profs, rating the sexiest profs, which made Haisley smirk. Eventually, she warmed up to Olivia, both girls chatting away in the back, occasionally getting a glare from the professor in the front.

After about a month of getting to know each other, and almost becoming best friends, Olivia had mentioned that she was looking for a roommate, as the previous girl she was renting with dropped out of the program, and Haisley graciously agreed seeing how Olivia's place was a lot closer to the college and she would have to pay a lot less than what she is paying now using her savings.

They both became best friends within a few months and were grateful to have each other through the next few years. It was after a year when Olivia shared with Haisley that she was engaged to Adam, her fiancé. She was a bit fuzzy on the details, something about meeting him in her hometown in Alabama, but Haisley was just happy for her best friend. Both of them had moved miles away to pursue their passion and they have finally graduated, proud of their success.

****End flashback****

Olivia and Haisley boarded the first of two planes, munching on airport trail mixes and getting their caffeine fix as they settled into the seats for their long flight.




Hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter of this new book!

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