🦁 Chapter 79

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Y/N had never been so happy to simply flop down onto her bed and mush her face into the pillow that she had been blessed with at the beginning of the year. 

'Pillows are underrated,' she thought as she burrowed deeper into the fluffy cushion, inhaling the clean scent that hung around her bedsheets. 

"I see you're happy to be back in your bed." Yuu was standing in Y/N's doorway once again, his hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts and his hoodie hanging loosely on his shoulders.

"Aren't you happy that we finally managed to figure out what was happening? I didn't like chasing what seemed like a ghost around the school." She rolled over and stuffed a pillow onto her face. "So yes, please forgive me if I am happy that I no longer have to worry about that."

Yuu chuckled and took a step into the room, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Edurne realised that he was in the room and pawed at his legs, silently asking to be held while her owner was relaxing beneath the stuffed marshmallow that was her pillow. Yuu gladly stooped down and picked up the bunny, rubbing his nose against Edurne's in their usual affectionate greeting.

"And how are you doing, little one," Yuu asked. "Worried about Y/N? Happy that she's back home now?" It was fairly easy to get a grasp at what, or who in this case, was taking up most of Edurne's thoughts. The little bunny seemed to care about nothing but her foot, the sun on her face, and Y/N's health and well being. It was like Y/N had a fluffy little guard dog that was incapable of harming a fly. All right, possibly a fly if she accidentally stepped on it, but nothing larger than that. 

Yuu suddenly noticed a small cut on Y/N's leg and traced it with his thumb, wondering where she got it.

"Magical shift is a deadly game," Y/N said, her voice muffled by the pillow. "As we found out when you ended up in the infirmary."

Yuu nodded but quickly noticed something else about Y/N's skin. She was ice-cold, yet again.

"Y/N," he said slowly, setting Edurne down on the edge of the bed. "You're starting to freeze." Y/N had filled him in on what had happened in the infirmary when she had nearly frozen, more than what Crowley had told him. 

Y/N pulled the pillow off and sighed, reaching over to her bedside table. She pulled open the top drawer and rummaged around for a minute, before pulling out what seemed like a small potion. She placed it on top of the table and shut the drawer.

"Seems like I'm not using magic for the next while," Y/N said, sliding out from under the bed. She shuddered as she did so and rubbed her arms to try and conserve the heat.

"You should go back to bed," Yuu said softly, taking Y/N into his arms and holding her close. 

Y/N shook her head. "A warm shower will help. But..." she paused, biting her lip, "Can you come back here once you're finished getting ready for bed? I'll be able to sleep easier if I know that someone's here. I'm scared that if I start to freeze I won't be able to get the reversal potion in time."

Yuu smiled and gently caressed Y/N's face. "Of course, I will. Grim will be happy to have the bed to himself."

Y/N smiled. "Thank you, Yuu."



"I just realised that I never actually told you what my name was."

Y/N laughed and leaned her forehead onto Yuu's chest. "I never asked for your full name, did I?"

"It's okay, Y/N."

She pulled away from the hug. "All right." She smirked and pushed the boy from the room, before going to grab her things. She had no idea that she had left a starstruck boy in the hall, somewhat unable to function properly. All he could hear was his name in Y/N's voice echoing in his head. 

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