Chapter 2

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The first thing that Y/N felt was a pressure wrapping around her torso and the cool kiss of stone against her hand. The next thing that she noticed was that there was a sliver of light battling its way through her eyelids, trying to wake her. Around her, she could hear voices all mumbling, some about a girl, others about how said girl had managed to travel through a mirror which they had never been able to.

Y/N's eyes opened slowly and she allowed a small puff of air to leave her lips, allowing her body to relax and slump back. Her eyes started to flutter shut again, but she felt someone copping her face and turning it towards them. Whoever it was, their skin was warm against her own and the tenderness of the gesture made her sigh in relief.

Her eyes eventually blinked open and her eyes met pools of fire. It was the boy who had asked her to come up onto the dais for her dorm selection. He smiled down at her as his thumb gently caressed her cheekbone.

"Don't fall asleep again," he said, half-jokingly. "We need you awake for your dorm selection."

Another boy, this one much taller with skin that had been kissed by the sun and hair that shone in the dim lights that bounced around the room, came over to the boy who was cradling Y/N in his arms and gently picked her up. Her feet hit the ground and the boy slowly stood her up, allowing her to rest on him as she gathered her strength once again.

"How did you do that?"

Y/N blinked once more and realised that the purple-haired boy was standing in front of her, looking particularly curious.

"What do you mean," she asked.

"How did you go through the mirror," another, much stronger, voice asked. A man, there was no way he was a boy, was also standing in the very near vicinity and strode up when he heard the others discussing how Y/N had managed to pass through the mirror.

"I don't know," she admitted. "I just... did." She raised a hand and stared at it, wondering what had happened. She hadn't even remembered touching the glass and entering in the first place, and yet, she had managed to pass through entirely on her own.

Silence fell in the room until the redhead stepped up. "What do we do with her? There has never been a girl who attended this school."

Everyone else looked around at each other, most likely wondering the same thing.

"What does the dark mirror say," the purple-haired boy asked, gesturing to the mirror that Y/N had just come out of. She felt her strength return and she stepped up to the mirror, smiling when she saw the mask bobbing up and down.

"She stays," the man in the mirror said firmly. "She possesses magic that will be beneficial for this school, and for all of you. You might wish for her to return to her homeland, though you will find that I cannot send her back for I do not know of her homeland, nor does she, but in time, I believe that all of you will come to understand why I have chosen for her to attend this school rather than the all-girls academy by the sea."

"But what dorm does she belong in?"

The mask sighed, "I cannot say. She possesses qualities that are valued by each dorm, so I am unable to sort her." He paused and then resumed speaking. "For now, she will stay by my side until another suitable option arises."

This seemed to appease everyone in the room and Y/N moved to stand next to the mirror, her hands crossed in front of her. She pulled her hood back up and allowed it to drape over her face, hiding most of it from the view of the students in front of her.

"Is that all for the new student dorm assignments," the redhead asked again. When everyone nodded, he turned to address the students standing in front of the green-haired boy.

[Discontinued*] The Darling Princess [A Twisted Wonderland Fanfic]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum