Chapter 20

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"Sing me a song of a lass that is gone. Say, could that lass be I? Merry of soul she sailed on a day. Over the sea to Skye. Billow and breeze, islands and seas. Mountains of rain and sun. All that was good, all that was fair. All that was me is gone. Sing me a song of a lass that is gone. Say, could that lass be I? Merry of soul she sailed on a day. Over the sea to Skye."

A young girl, no older than three, was curled up on a woman's lap, playing with a lock of h/c hair as it fell from the woman's head in front of the little girl. Her eyes were wide awake, despite the soothing song that her aunt had just sung, and though the rest of her body felt tired, her mind was still wiring with the thoughts of the day.

"Auntie Luna," Y/N asked quietly, turning her gaze toward her great-aunt's kind face. "Can you tell me about the world beyond this kingdom?" Her eyes pleaded for her aunt to disclose any sort of information, and of course, the aunt gave it willingly.

"Of course, I can, my little moon. How about I tell you the time that I met with the great Merida of DunBroch!" Luna's eyes grew wide with excitement, and as she took her niece's hands in hers, Y/N's little e/c eyes lit up as well, reflecting the excitement in her aunt's eyes. 

"But I thought she was a legend," Y/N stuttered out. "Mama read me a story about her but..."

Luna chuckled. "Oh, I assure you, my little moon, she is was as real as you or I. And since our lives are longer than most," she tapped the small girl's nose gently, "I was allowed to meet her." Luna ran a hand through her hair, watching the grey streaks as they danced in the firelight. It was true that she was getting on in years, especially since she had already lived for a few centuries. She hoped that her darling little grand-niece would be able to live as grand of life as the one that she had been blessed to live.

"Can you tell me about her, Auntie Luna?"

The words from her niece brought Luna out of nostalgic memory, making the woman chuckle. "Of course, I can. Now, where to start? Ah, yes. I suppose I should tell you about the time that she managed to turn her mother into a bear." Luna raised her hands like they were claws and she snarled playfully at the young girl. She suddenly shot her hands out and started tickling her niece's sides, making the younger of the two burst out laughing. 

"Auntie Luna," Y/N squealed, batting away her aunt's hands. "S-stop it! That tickles!"

"Would a bear give up the pleasure of tickling a little truffle such as you," Luna laughed. She gently grabbed Y/N by the waist and pulled her closer, gently pretending to nibble on the young girl. "I'm gonna eat you! I'm gonna eat you!"


Both girls stopped what they were doing and turned to the door to see another elderly woman standing in the door, looking furious.

Luna sighed and shifted so that Y/N could sit comfortably on her lap. "Hello, sister. What brings you to my corner of the castle this late at night?"

The current queen of Luneza sighed and stepped into the room. "Cassiopeia asked me to check in on Y/N, and when I found her missing, I came looking for her." The queen glared at her younger sister. "I thought I told you that she was supposed to be left alone once she was in bed. Cassiopeia told you as well, did she not?"

Luna sighed. "Yes. I suppose you both did tell me that I wasn't supposed to disturb Y/N." She glanced down at Y/N. "But the little one was having a nightmare and sought me out."

The queen scoffed. "She should have sought out her mother. I am less inclined to listen to you, sister."

"Believe what you will." Luna picked Y/N up and stood up, holding the young princess close to her. "Now, excuse me. I believe that I have a little darling to get back to bed." She pushed past the queen, clearly uncaring about her sister's rank in the kingdom, and walked in silence as she searched for Y/N's room.

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