chapter three

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chapter three

chapter three

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I almost wore his jacket to school today. I had the cutest skirt that would have matched perfectly, but then I decided that I didn't want to answer any questions about why I was wearing the Captain of the football team's letterman jacket.

So, now his jacket is stored safely in my bag, and I'm currently debating if pulling it out of my bag and stuffing it in my locker is really worth it.

"Deana, earth to Deana?" Penelope Spicer asks, waving her hand in front of my face, effectively pulling me back into whatever conversation she and Lorene Osborne are having.

"Yeah?" I ask them, pulling out my astronomy textbook and setting it on the top shelf of my locker.

"We were just discussing what we should wear to homecoming," Lorene informs me, and I give the girl a grateful smile.

"And I was telling Lori that she should wear pink, and I could wear yellow, and we'd match," Penelope explains, and I nod my head, as if I have been tracking this conversation.

"And I was telling Penny that pink would clash with my hair," Lorene responds, gesturing to her frizzy red hair. Penelope rolls her eyes, and shakes her head. The two continue to debate, and as much as I love my two best friends, I prefer to stay out of their couples squabbles.

"AJ!" a voice in the hallway cries out, and I turn around to see Oliver, waving at me from across the hall. He walks over, pep in his step, and I try to ignore the gasps that came from my two friends.

"Hi," he says to me, a little breathless as he walks up, and I give him a playful smile.

"Hi, dork," I tell him, turning back to grab my math textbook from my locker.

"What class are you going to next?" he asks me, and I show him the math textbook as it goes into my bag.

"I have AP Stats," I tell him, and he nods his head, bouncing back and forth on his heels. "What about you?"

"I'm going to AP Lit," he replies, rolling his eyes. "Want me to walk you?" I sling my backpack over my shoulder, and look down at my watch. Five minutes until class starts. I have time to get there, unfortunately my statistics class is all the way on the other side of the school building, but I have no clue if he'll have the time to make it to his class.

"She would love to," Penelope tells Oliver, whose smile brightens at her answer. I turn around to give the girl a scathing look, but she just smiles in response, rendering my glare effectively useless.

"So, what kind of classes are you taking?" he asks me as I close my locker, and we begin to walk down the halls of Norwood High. My eyes are everywhere but him, taking in the maroon walls, the black lockers, and all of my other classmates that give me odd looks as we walk by.

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