15. Months Gone By

Start from the beginning

"You seem to know all the answers."

"Oh, that's just because my resident on the last rotation taught me really well."

"Who was your resident?" he asked.

"Madi," I inadvertently sighed. Luckily, we had just reached the conference room and Elijah got distracted by a page, while I noticed the two trays of chicken sandwiches and lack of veggie or fish options again.

"Ugh...I am so sorry Omar," the program secretary apologized profusely and promised to never order from that vendor again.

I gave her a polite nod, despite my hungry stomach protesting loudly, and walked into the conference room empty handed. Only to then catch sight of a woman empty-handed like me, but with a smile so bright it lit up the whole place and curls that bounced when she excitedly gestured to her friend, Kylie. I told Elijah to go ahead and sit by himself.

"I am just going to grab some tuna sandwiches from the food court. I'll be right back."

I ran out of there, with a smile on my face.


November 2019


"How long are you going to avoid Ami?" Sehr, my younger sister, was FaceTime-ing me from Michigan.

I had just reached the parking lot of a mid-sized community hospital, a subsidiary of the University Hospital of Illinois, but located in the suburbs of Chicago. It was nowhere near as busy as our main Chicago ER, but as interns we were required to rotate through it as well for a community based experience.

My shift was due to start in exactly 2 minutes. As I rushed across the parking lot I thoroughly regretted accepting my sister's call.

"Honestly Sehr, if Ami would talk about anything besides marriage, I would call her everyday. But getting me married off is all she ever wants to talk about!"

"And what is wrong with that? You're not getting any younger. I am pretty sure I can see white hair on your head," she said squinting at her phone screen.

"That is just the sunlight's effect, and worry about yourself. If I am getting old so are you. You're exactly 1 year 2 days younger than me," I frowned jokingly, and then laughed as she stuck her tongue out at me.

Sehr hung up and I breathed a sigh of relief.

But she was just my sister. Sooner or later, I knew, I would have to face my mother and a topic I had long avoided and had no intention of broaching till a certain resident was ready to hear the truth.


"Good morning Omar. How are you doing today?" Dr Seed, the ER attending's cheerful voice brought me out of my misery.

"Good morning Dr Seed. I am doing very well. Who would you like me to go see first?"

"Here is the chart for Mr. Ahmed Shah who was brought in by his colleagues at work for chest pain. Could you go take a look at him and let me know what you think."

"Sure thing."

I shelved my thoughts about that certain resident, marriage and all things complicated, and read through the patient chart as I walked to the exam room. Mr. Shah was a 58 year old man, in reasonable overall health. According to the nurses notes he started having chest pain about an hour ago. When it hadn't improved he was brought to the ER.

"Good morning Mr. Shah. I am Dr Khan, how are you feeling today?" I said as I entered the room and introduced myself to the distinguished looking desi gentleman dressed in a crisp light blue dress shirt and black pants.

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