#3- Volleyball & New Student

Start from the beginning

Girls in the classroom were already gossiping about his looks and so on. Tsuna is obviously started to worry on how Kyoko will look at him. I just sighed tiredly and adjusted my body to were I can get up quickly. And right on que, Hayato blocked Tsuna's veiw of Kyoko. The minute Hayato clicked his tougne at Tsuna I activated my flames a small about to move in front of him. The students gasped and started whispering.

"May we wait till after school, wouldn't want civilians involved," I say sternly to remind him were we are at.
"Y-Yusei?" Tsun says what sounds like a worried tone.
The teacher started to freak out and called to us, "Gokudera-kun, Noir-kun! Y-Your s-seat."

I made the hand motion for him to go first. He clicked his tougne again and went to his seat. Then I went to mine. A student asked Tsuna if we knew the new student but replied a negative to him. I sighed and rubbed my tired eyes as the students gossiped even more about him. Luckly Tsuna was looking the part of ignoring everyone and looking towards the teacher. 'Looks like the seal is completely gone,' I thought.

~Time Skip~

It got to noon and I was woken by a worried Tsuna. 'Looks like I fell asleep in class,' I thought.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Tsuna asked.
I rubbed my eyes and replied, "Yeah I'm good."

I saw Yamamoto come walking towards us then he lightly taps Tsuna on the shoulder. Tsuna turns to look at him.

"Yamamoto..." Tsuna says in a questionly tone.
"We're counting on you today, Tsuna," Yamamoto states in a good manor tone.
Tsuna tilts his head and replies, "Counting on me?"
"In the volleyball match," a fellow student states.
"You're on the volleyball team?" Tsuna asked surprised.
"He's on the baseball team, but he's good at other sports too," another student replied.
"You've been so amazing recently, you've caught everyone's eye," mentioned Yamamoto.

Tsuna gets a more serious look across his face.

"We're counting on you today," Yamamoto says cheerfully. "Use some of that curve-ball power," he says jokingly to Tsuna.
Tsuna smiles a bit; losing that serious look and replies, "Hai, Yamamoto."
"Yeah," Kyoko states butting in their conversation. "You were really cool back there," she stated.
"People stopped calling you Loser Tsuna after that," replied Hana, Kyoko's best friend.

I sigh and get up and heading towards the door.

I spoke as I was walking, "I'll be cheering you on from the side lines Tsuna. I'll see you after you win the game."
Just as I was almost out the door Tsuna yelled, "Yusei!"

I stopped walking showing that I heard him.

"Thank you," Tsuna says kindly.
"See you later," I replied then continue walking out.

Of course me walking out ended up going straight to Hibari. Granted all I did was standing besides him while he ordered his members, more like followers, to set up the area for the volleyball match. Witch got more tasking as more people filled into the area to watch the match. I even some students had 'Tsuna' support signs. While yes that is a slight good thing, I was still pist at the student population. Tsuna came a bit late, probably to tell reborn that either 1- don't use the bullet, or 2- come watch the match since it was his fault Tsuna is now playing in the game. Tsuna does have a temper after all. Though he rarlily shows it. The students were all cheering for him. Tsuna got to his team and Yamamoto greeted him. And apparently Gokudera-kun was in the team too. Though Tsuna just nod at him instead of freaking out like normal. 'He's serious,' I thought.

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