Chapter 6: Because I am him

Start from the beginning

"See Toms? I did swear to you that we wouldn't turn you in", Wilbur said when Phil finally pulled away and sat back down in his chair.

"Of course we won't turn you in mate. You're too important to Wil", Phil said looking over to Wilbur.

"And so what?" he questioned. Tommy just leaned onto Wilbur, a slight smile settling on his lips. Wilbur wrapped his arm around Tommy's shoulder.

"You know Wil, you're starting to be like a brother that I never had. Not that that would be bad", Tommy said closing his eyes, relaxing.

"You're gonna make me cry, Toms", Wilbur said.

"Then cry bitch", Tommy answered.

A week had passed and Tommy had healed himself fully. He wanted to go back to doing some vigilante stuff, wondering if Tubbo and Ranboo are doing the same.

Oh, yes, I forgot to mention. Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo were all vigilantes, but only Tommy knew about his friends' hobby. Tubbo and Ranboo had no idea that Tommy was a vigilante.

Yet, Avian -Tommy-, Nuke -Tubbo- and Ender -Ranboo- were a team. They had been a vigilante team for quite long.

That's also part of how Tommy figured out that Tubbo and Ranboo were Nuke and Ender. But somehow Ranboo and Tubbo still haven't seemingly figure out that Tommy was Avian.

"Wil", Tommy called stepping in Wilbur's room.

"Yes Toms?" Wilbur asked, putting his quitar down and looking over to Tommy.

"I... Wanna go out on a walk. Alone. So I thought that I'd tell you. And, if anything would go wrong or anything I have an app that lets me alert you just by pressing the buttons on my phone in a certain combination that I have memorised", Tommy said.

"Oh... Uh, alright. You sure are prepared, Toms", Wilbur said getting up and walking over to Tommy.
"Okay. Go on that walk. Just... Be careful. And do alert me with that app of yours if absolutely anything bad happens", Wilbur said hugging Tommy.

"Alright. I will Wil", Tommy said.

"Now shoo! Before I change my mind!" Wilbur said pushing Tommy away in a joking manner.

"Alright, alright, I'm going already", Tommy said walking away. "See ya layer!" he shouted back before heading down the stairs.

Once he felt like he was far away enough, he took out his vigilante gear and put it on. He then got to work.

He just jumped around from rooftop to rooftop for about 30 minutes before he ran into his two teammates.

"Nuke! Ender! Sup big mans! You guys patrolling too?" he asked as he ran over to them.

"Avian? Is that you? We haven't heard from you for a while! Are you okay?" Ender asked as he saw Tommy.

"Of course big man, I'm okay. Now at least. I got into a pretty big fight and got hurt pretty bad, but nothing me the great Avian can't handle!" Tommy answered.

A vigilante who heals villains, I guess?Where stories live. Discover now