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   Y/n was thinking about how much she loves Katsuki and couldn't stop smiling about it.
   Katsuki was excited that y/n likes him back and couldn't wait for what was going to happen in the future with the two of them.

Y/n pov

   I wake up from an amazing dream and me and Katsuki. We have officially been dating for a year. It was honestly really nice and he has changed so much as a person and I have also changed quite a bit. I get out of bed to go make Katsuki his breakfast because I know he is already awake probably working out. He needs his nutrition. I made him some pancakes with some eggs and turkey bacon on the side. I called him up to eat while I go change into clothes for the day. I changed into some shorts and tank top because it felt pretty nice out today. I walk downstairs and put my shoes out to go on a run. Katsuki comes up behind me and hugs me.
   "Ewww, you're all sweaty"
He kissed my cheek. "Well you are going to have to deal with it for now and maybe later. But I got to shower and head out. I love you"
  "I love you"

Katsuki pov

   I went to go take a shower while y/n went on a run. This is an amazing life I'm dealing with right now. It makes me so happy and on top of that I'm getting better with being a hero and controlling my anger. Y/n has helped me so much since we've gotten together. Not to brag or anything but I have definently helped y/n becoming better and happier. Look at that I can make a girl happy.

Time skip to 4 years later

I have proposed to y/n. She has made me the luckiest man in the world. We are getting married in a couple months. She says after we get married we can start talking about kids.

Time skip

Y/n pov

    We got married!!!!! I'm so excited and now I want to try for kids because Katsu is definently the man of my life. He has helped me so much and not to brag but I have helped him out so much as well even if he won't admit it. He makes me so happy and I can't wait to continue to spend the rest of my life with him. I smile at him as we head to our own place and go straight to the bed room

Time skips everywhere

Katsuki pov

Y/n came up to me today and we started cuddling. She gave me a box and said it was a present i smirked at her and opened it to see 3 positive pregnancy test. I hugged her and I felt like crying. We are starting our family.

More time skips

Y/n pov

I had twins one boy and one girl. We have officially started a family. This is all I could ask for in my life.

4 years later

"Sakura!!! Ren!!! Your dad is home!!!" I scream up the stairs to my kids.
This is all I could ask for to be happy. They run down the stairs to hug me love. I go back to the kitchen to finish making a nice lunch so we can go on our picnic we planned. Katsu comes up behind me and hugs me. I turn around and kiss him. We smile at each other.
This is all I could ever ask for.

Katsuki pov

If I were to die today I would die happy. This is my family and they make the happiest man in the world. Now time for that picnic.


That is the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed. I had fun writing this and had my moments of sadness but I still found all of this interesting to write. If anyone has request on a new book to write let me know and I'll write it. Thank you for reading!!!

Bakugo X Abused reader Where stories live. Discover now