5--The thoughtz

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A/N- Was honestly losing all my motivation to write anything but saw people adding this to there library and had to add more...sorry

⚠️⚠️Mentions(story line area) of severe r@pe..

Y/N pov

   I was exhausted. I haven't cried like that in such a long time. I felt to weak to move and passed out.

     I woke back up in a room, seems like the rooms from that hotel but why was I here and not home? Then I heard a door open and close and I turn in that direction, it was Bakugo.

"Hey ...ummmm...bakugo?"


"What am I doing here, I need to get home before my dad gets there"

"You aren't going back there and if I see his fucking face again I'm kicking his ass"

"Oh..I'm sorry to bother you"

"Whatever, you aren't a bother though"
He walks to the door and opens it to see the whole bakusquad there. I look at them confused

Mina "we just wanted to check in on y/n"

Bakugo responds "That dumbass just was tired is all nothing other than exhaustion"

Kiri "Oh, sorry dude, are they doing better"

Baku "she is doing fine"

I started to ignore the conversation that was going on. I felt like hurting myself. Then a realization hit me..I'm suppose to kill myself soon. I need to check the cuts on my hips too. I heard the door close and look up at Bakugo.
I take a deep breath and Bakugo just stares at me.
"What are you thinking about" he asked me quietly which was very strange.

"I just have something planned. It's a gift for some people and I don't want to give it to them late" technically I'm not lying. My suicide would probably be a gift for at least my dad.

Bakugo looked curious but left it alone "well why didn't you get the gift at the mall"

"I don't know...I forgot in the moment...so can I go and grab it?"

He looked at me "tch, not like I'm going to stop you" I give him a big smile and run out there door after grabbing my belongings. This means a couple things.
1. I can buy the blades to kill yourself
2. I can go home to my dad because after some time with him I know I'll have the courage to end it all.
3. I won't have any more distractions

"Y/N?" You freeze. Oh no....I don't need any distractions. I turn and see Denki.
"Where are you going in such a hurry? Can I come with?"
"Ah, I'm sorry I'm just going to grab some stuff and do something. I'd rather do it alone though...soooo...ummmm..BYE!!!" I screamed out as I ran to go buy some blades.
I finally found some razor blades and bought them. The cashier looked at me weird.."They are for my dad. He needs these blades cause he uses the old fashioned way." The cashier looked less worried. I started to run as fast as possible. I got home to see my dad and his friends. I take off my shoes and run to my room. I place the blades in my bathroom to prepare. I run downstairs and start making some dinner for my father and his friends. "Y/N!!!"
"I'm in here father" I say politely. I can wait to die. He marches into the kitchen and sees me cooking him so chicken with some teriyaki sauce with rice. It was something he loved. He was staring at me. One of his friends Walk into the kitchen. "Oooo, got yourself a cute daughter. She acts like the perfect house wife" I felt disgusted. I pretended I didn't hear him and kept cooking. My father said "y/n, these are my friends...I've decided you deserve something. Think of it as a punishment or a gift." I freeze... "have fun with her boys" you heard 2 pairs of feet behind you. "Let's wait till dinner is done. It smells so good" "I want her for dessert". I felt like throwing up. I finished dinner and places the food infront of them and ran to my room.

   I stayed under my covers. I started to hear some walking and my door opened. My covers flew off of me. I was so scared. One of the guys grabbed my legs and pulled my pants down and started to touch my lower area and the other took my shirt and bra off. They tied me up with some rope my father kept mostly to help keep stuff together but I guess this time it was for me...this isn't a gift....this is punishment. If I can just get to my bathroom I can kill myself already..

1 hour later
I wish someone would save me..I wish I didn't come home..this is my end..right? I don't want to live anymore.

2 days later
How long is this going to go one. They take breaks but when will they go home to there own place. I'm so exhausted. They told me that they love my body though even with the cuts and scars...this is disgusting.

1 week later
They left for a couple days only to come back later. My dad told me I'm doing good for once in my life..he said he loves me. So this isn't punishment..but gifts aren't suppose to hurt. They are suppose to make you happy. Dad...why??

3 weeks later
Dad said everything is better now and it will be his turn soon. What does he mean by that. I heard my phone buzzing all day today. I wonder why.

1 day later
"Dad, No, stop, no more, it hurts!!!!"

Why does he do this. I'm bleeding so much now. Then I heard a loud bang....I'm I saved...no...because I'll die the moment I can move. I'll run to the bathroom and kill myself. Why is life like this. This isn't normal. None of it is. This isn't normal.

"Y/N!! Are you okay"
"Omg. Is this why she wasn't answering her phone"
"That isn't a very manly father"
"This is kinda scary though"
"I'm going to beat the hell out of her dad"

I couldn't tell who was who. I was naked and brushed and bleeding. I felt the ropes come undone and my body jolted to the realizing to go kill myself. I tried standing but my legs were so weak and my vision was so blurry.

"I need...." it hurt to talk..
"What do you need?" I think that was Denki
"I need...to die..bathroom..end it..please" I started crawling to the bathroom.
I think they were all on shock of what I was saying. They slowly followed me..I guessing they didn't understand. Im glad I put the blades under the sink. Then they watched me grab razor blades. I still had a hard time breathing and seeing.

"Idiots why are you just staring!!" I saw a blurry Bakugo run up and grab the blade that was starting to be held against my throat..
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have let you go get that stupid gift"

"Hey, Baguko...the gift..is my..death..the blades...for me...it makes people happy"

Realization hit him...the gift you went to buy were the blades but no. The blades were apart of the 'gift'. The real gift being your death.

You passed out.


Sorry for the extreme chapter...this is honestly getting out some of my own trauma that recently happened so I'm sorry but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Bakugo X Abused reader Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora