4-- a fun day out

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A/n: I'm so sorry I haven't updated this. I got busy with work and helping band kids but I'm free right now watching over my sister so imma continue this...again as always if you have a request for a story let me know and I can write it or even a one-shot I can also do.


Y/n pov

I wake up to silence. It was strangely quiet and I did not like that. I slowly got up and left my room walking to the kitchen. Finally looking at the time. I realized that it was three in the morning. Did I really sleep for an entire day and night? Was I thought exhausted and how come father didn't wake me up? I look at the kitchen counter and saw a note.

Went out for a couple days. Do whatever you want but if i hear from anyone you got in trouble your getting a beating


Okay then. That answers it all. I think for a bit.. maybe this would be the perfect time to commit suicide. He isn't home to keep me busy and stop me and it isn't like I have any friends.
Just when I was about to head to the bathroom my phone vibrates.

Hey. What are you doing today?

Why was he messaging me...

Don't mean to sound rude or anything but why are you messaging me

Just felt like it and these dumbasses here for some reason miss you and want to get to know you

Oh...umm...I'm a little busy at the moment so maybe some time around noon we can hang out..

I'll let these nerds know

    This is ruining my plans for suicide. I ran to the bathroom it was now 4am. I spent way too much time messaging bakugo and day dreaming. I spent another 30 minutes trying to find a damn blade. Finally found one, I'm going shopping later for new ones.

I get to into the bathtub. I'm in shorts and my sports bra at the moment trying to decide on where to cut and finally decide my hips. I starting cutting over and over again. Both hips covered in deep and small cuts. A couple wouldn't stop bleeding so I just put bandaid on them. I covered my cuts with my shorts and then put on a t shirt. Looking at the time it was around 6:30. I'm just going to go grab new blades and then come home to take a nap.

~~le time skip~~

Someone is awaking me from my nap. It is....


That's what it read on my phone in big letters.

I answer it

"Hello?" I ask

"Y/n!! Bakugo said you were hanging with us today around noon but..umm...it is already 12:30. So if you want, we can go pick you up from where you live?"

"Oh..umm..yes please actually. Here is my address"

I sent him a message of the address.

We hang up and I brush my hair. I head outside waiting. I see a huge van pull up and then I get dragged into it by the one and only bakusquad.

We reach a mall and start walking around. Then we all split up but for some reason bakugo and I stayed next to eachother. We started talking about a lot of things starting with the dumb normal questions like "What's your favorite color?" Or "what do you do for fun?" It was honestly a really nice distraction from life until....

"Your dad seems like an asshole, he just uses and abuses you"

We were walking but I froze the moment he mentioned my dad

"Well..uh...y-ya. He k-kinda is just like t-t-that" I was really nervous now " I mean aren't all parents like that to there kid at some point. Hitting you, calling you names, starving you until you can't move...it's normal. I mean I'm not even aloud to cry without getting hit but I see people who don't cry all the time in front of people so it obviously happens all the time so that's just how--"

I was suddenly hugged

"You are so stupid y/n. No one should have to go through that. I may also be an asshole and at one time bullied someone really bad but I've changed a bit. No one is suppose to know I care about them though so don't go around saying anything you dumb extra"

I smile and hug him back. Then memories of all the hate and pain come rushing into my head. I hold back the tears and just grip onto bakugo to keep the tears in and he realizes this. He let's go, takes my hand, and then starts running in a random director I think. We end up at the back of the mall where no one was. I looked around confused and then he hugged me again.

"It is okay to cry around me. I won't hurt you" he said it very softly and that is the softest I've ever heard him talk.

I grab onto his back and start sobbing and crying. My legs go weak and I collapse. I kept crying and just couldn't stop. I got so exhausted from all the crying though and my body went numb. I was so tired and as I was falling asleep I hear a quiet...

"Everything is going to be okay"


Hope that chapter was enjoyable for you guys. I care about every single one of you and appreciate you all who stick with my stories. Love to hear any criticize you guys have though. I always am willing to get better in anything. Thank you💜

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