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Quirk- Tattoos. The tattoos on your body appear there creating your power. Everyone with this quirk gets different tattoos depending on there experiences in life. The more tattoos, the more powerful. Cutting over a tattoo will cause the quirk of that tattoo to not work until the wound has healed. Using your quirk too much can lead to passing out and comas. You can't tattoo yourself. They either fade or just have no power.

Father. Dave or David (I'm sorry if this is your name)
Quirk - Dark Angel-- Has black wings. Can summon demons at will. Can make himself stronger when around dead bodies of just areas lots of people have died in. Can heal people but barely uses that part because he is an inconsiderate prick.

Mother- Annabelle (deceased)
Qurik-Angel- heals people. Has white wings. Can help things grow like plants. Mentally heals people also.


Here is a bit of the story. Your father is abusive towards you. You never use your quirk against him. You learned to control it at a young age when your mother was alive but after she died Using it was forbidden. You use it when your father is away though to help train to become a hero and lock your father away.

Day of exams your father locked you up in the basement so you couldn't attend. You didn't eat for an entire week so you had no energy to move. When finally aloud to leave the basement your father fed you some bread. He allowed you to have an egg as well because he was having a pretty good day. You left to your room afterwards sad you never got to even visit U.A.

You watched the kids in class 1.A grow from watching t.v. They seemed to be on t.v a lot. Your father was home less which you were thankful for. You trained your quirk more. Well quirks if you really thought of it. You had wings like your mom but also like your dad. Black and white wings. When activating your quirk your h/c turns to black and white like your wings. You have quite the quirk.

During the story it will develop and if I have a long story line then you get more tattoos added.

The U.A kids were apparently out and about for a couple weeks or something like that. You were kinda hoping to meet one of them but just was scared on what would happen if your dad found out you met one of them. So you stayed inside after finding out that they were wandering around.

Your dad came home in a very angry mood. Came home just to beat you and leave he continued this for a couple days. You could barely move at this point. You got up quite fast when your dad sent you a text saying he was feeling a certain way only a slut could fulfill. He has never done anything liek that to you, you were also a virgin still. He wouldn't do that to his daughter..would he? In that moment you went around collecting as much money as possible. Your dad was pretty rich so lots of money left around the place. Finding surprisingly over $1000 in just the money he left around not counting the money you've been saving up for year on years. You packed the stuff you needed plus your phone charger and phone. You put the bag on your back and ran. Ran as far as you could. After about nonstop running for 20 minutes. You were out of breath. Legs felt dead adrenaline rush going down. You had to keep going in case he was looking for you. You run into a group of...highschoolers?? U.A?? Wait...Izuku Midoriya is the kid I ran into plus Urakaka and..Iida. I think those are there names. I apologize and keep running but I hear them running after me and Iida catches up running past me and infront of me "Are you okay? You seem distressed" I look at him and freeze then start looking around to see if my father is anywhere...I don't recognize this place at all. "I-im fine..just some family wouldn't get it" he looked at me softly and I try to run off again but feel a hand on my wrist. Midoriya..."hey, are you in trouble"
I am terrified at this point. He is going to find me if I don't keep running but in that moment my legs keep getting weaker. They start to shake pretty bad from keeping my body weight up for so long while running. "I need to keep going or he will find me" I say pretty fast without thinking
They all look at me worried. Then they notice. Looking more terrified staring at my body. All the bruises and cuts on my body. It was night time so it makes sense on why it took so long to notice. Midoriya got a call and he picked up asking what was going on again I was going to run but Urakaka got infront of me then holding my hand saying everything is okay over and over again. He is going to find me at this rate. I take my phone out and look for the closest hotel look in the director my phone is telling me to go. Look at the U.A heros in training they are now talking to eachother about what to do about me and I start running "WAIT" I just kept running.

I made it to the hotel..when i get there I ask for a room and start to head to the room I got. I noticed some other familiar people but I ignored it. When I reached my room and got in. I realized they were U.A students. Meaning that maybe they were staying here for the moment. I was freaking out. Oh no...


Hope you enjoyed the explanation and the beginning of the story. I put it all in one because it annoys me when I don't get the beginning of the story until days later while reading so here it all is in the first chapter. Thank you for reading

Bakugo X Abused reader Where stories live. Discover now