Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to blondebucky

Thank you for being you 💙💙


The Mandalorian: Chapter One (Part 8)

"Are you sure we need to? Is there really no other way?" I asked him, a hint of uncertainty in my modulated tone.

I knew I had a good chance at taming one, but I wasn't looking forward to it.

"I am positive. You will do fine." He reassured me, almost as if he had read my redundantness in my body language.

I didn't respond, only looked away as he left to fetch the second Blurrg.

Din dismounted and lead his away as the Ugnaught brought in mine, releasing it and locking it in the corral.

Din came up next to me, and I glanced at him, silently daring him to make a snarky comment. He didn't, instead dipping his head to me.

"Your going to be great." He encouraged, looking into my visor. "Good luck."

"Good job." I answered, taken back by his words. I didn't hand out praise lightly, and I was unused to receiving it.

He seemed to puff up a little with pride at my words, taking a step towards me.

I quickly stepped back and turned before he could come any closer, sipping into the corral as instinct begged me to go back.

I ignored it, accepting the Ugnaught's thumbs up with a nod, looking back towards the Blurrg and slowing my pace slightly.

It watched me with amber eyes, pulling it's lips back to display a row of dagger-like teeth as a low growl tore its way out of it's throat.

"Hey! Hey, easy.." I hushed it gently, slowing my pace even more and holding out a cautious hand. The Blurrg stepped back and eyed me distrustfully, and I briefly wondered what my ancestors had felt like when they had face Mythosaur ten times this size.

Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I spoke softly to the animal to put it at ease. "Steady now, girl. Your okay. I'm not gonna hurt you... Its okay."

It stopped backing away and allowed me to approach it. Carefully, I brushed it's nose with my gloved hand, and watched in slight shock as it let out a deep, rumbling sort of purr from the back of it's throat, looking up at my visor.

My confidence grew some and I placed my whole hand on it, continuing to reassure it that it was safe.

I glanced back at the Ugnaught and Din, uncertainty about what to do next filling me.

The Ugnaught crossed his arms over his chest. "She has accepted you, you have earned her trust." He called, lifting his chin. "Now you must ride her."

I looked back at the Blurrg, rubbing it's scaly skin. "Please don't throw me off." I whispered to it, moving to it's side.

Grabbing the rope that was around it, I shoved down all emotions and hoisted myself up onto it, throwing my leg over it's side.

It immediately protested, bellowing and stomping in a circle as I held onto the rope tightly, letting out a little yelp of surprise that was a little more girlish than I would've preferred.

It tried to shake me off harder, but I squeezed my eyes shut and gripped it even tighter. My mind was racing, I felt small and weak, and I hated it.

I knew I was seconds away from being thrown to the ground and embarrassing myself and my family name, so I quickly loosened my grip and jumped off it's back, using my jetpack to propel me up into the air and land somewhat gracefully on the edge of the corral.

I was shaken up from that experience, I didn't like it one bit.

I had trained my whole life to be the most skilled, smartest, and strongest out of every Mandalorian I came across.

Having all of that thrown out the window in less than three seconds was less than ideal.

I took deep breaths as I shut down my jetpack completely, my heart still hammering. I appeared calm and collected on the outside thanks to my armor as I straightened up, glancing to the men that were watching, or rather, making their way towards me.

I turned towards them, letting out a sigh as they stood opposite of me through the fencing.

"Gar jate?" Din asked me, gesturing to me as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking me up and down.

Slowly, as if he was trying to memorize my every detail, and I could practically feel his gaze.

I realized I was doing the same, but glanced at the Ugnaught as he looked between the two of us, trying to figure out what we were, it seemed.

'Partners, nothing more.' I thought stubbornly, hardening my heart.

"I'm fine." I deadpanned back coldly, turning away from him and looking at the Blurrg.

I knew the chances of us actually becoming something or close to zero, so there was no point and getting my hopes up.

I didn't even know him, for kriffs sake!

We had only known the two of us even existed for twenty four hours now. But that was the thing.

I wanted to know him better.

Something about him drew me in, he was different from the others.

But I couldn't.

'I can't.'

I can't get attached to anything else.

Over the years, at some point or another, everything I had known and loved had been ripped away and destroyed.

Bombed or burned.

Shot or stabbed.

My Way had been questioned time and time again, my values and my morals.

I was tired of it.

There was so much.

So, so much hurt inside, and I didn't think I could handle anymore.

So, despite my curiosity, I had to keep him away. It was better for the both of us.

Din didn't respond, but I was drawn out of my thoughts by the voice of the Ugnaught.

"You did well. That was good for a first try." He praised, nodding firmly to me. "Now, you must finish the job."

I didn't move, only sighed softly through my nose as I looked at him. He gestured to the Blurrg, who was watching me.

"Go, Mandalorian, and show me the spirit of your ancestors within yourself."

I clenched my jaw tightly, annoyance pounding through me.

He had no right to speak of my ancestors, but that was just my fierce pride talking.

He had a point though.

I had to give him credit for being able to fire me up so quickly.

I gave him a long, cold stare before starting for the Blurrg once more.

I needed to get this over with.

The Blurrg watched me, not coming closer, but not backing away either. I managed to coax my way closer, getting on it's back again.

Relief filled my frame as it accepted me after the second try, and finally, we were ready to get the bounty.


"Gar jate?" - "You good?"

This is where the fun begins ;)

Let me know what you think, or if you want to see anything that I can add

Stay safe, and have a great day/night!

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