Chapter 4

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Y'all got that quick... I'm sorry about the delay.


Chapter 1: The Mandalorian (Part 4)

I remained silent as every bounty hunter in the cantina seemed to hold their breath, awaiting his next words.

Adrenaline began to seep into my veins, the thought of a new hunt exciting me, as I leaned forward.

Mando gestured with his head.
"Let's see the puck."

Karga remained serious, staring straight into both of our visors one at a time. "No puck. Face-to-face. Direct commission." He leaned forward, nodding soberly. "Deep pocket."

Me and Mando both sucked in a slow breath in unison, and I raised a brow at Karga as Mando spoke up first.


Karga sighed tirely, shrugging his shoulders a bit as he leaned back.

"All I know is no chain code. And it's a partner job." He added looking straight at me and gesturing to the two of us.

I felt that familiar anger return, and I glanced to the side of the other Mandalorian, clenching my jaw before looking back at Greef.

I needed to take the job, it was my only option if I wanted a good pay.  He knew that, and he used that to his advantage, pressing on.

"The client requested the both of you personally. He said it would be worth your while." He reached back into his pocket, holding out a small card.

"Do you want the chit, or not?"

Neither of us moved, and I clinched my fists tightly.

Stars, Karga always knew how to get his way with everything, didn't he?

I finally released an annoyed breath, snatching the chit address out of his    hand.

I stood and turned without another word, exiting the cantina and stepping into the Navarro heat, not carrying if Mando followed or not.

The chattering of vendors and the sound of sizzling foods filled the air as I glanced down at the chit in my hand, memorizing the address and heading towards it.

"Hey!" I heard a man's voice call out from behind me as I turned a corner, stepping into a dim alleyway.

"Hey! Mando!" he called again, and I recognized the voice of the other Mandalorian, now much closer, a hard edge to his voice as he tried to catch his breath.

I didn't acknowledge him and kept walking.

"Wait-" he growled, his hand grabbing my shoulder to stop me.

Before he could react I spun around, twisting an arm around his back and shoving him against the wall helmet first, holding his arm and pinning him.

"Let's get something straight…" I hissed in his ear, bending his arm a little more to show him how easily I could break it at a moment's notice.

"I don't know who you are, and frankly, I don't really care. I am not happy that we're stuck together for this bounty, and I don't need you screwing it up."

"So from now on, I won't be taking orders from the likes of you, Soldier Boy." I seethed, twisting his arm a little tighter.

"Are we clear?"

I could practically feel the hostility rating between the two of us as he glared at me from the corner of his eye.

A low growl crackled his way through his modulator as he tried again to free himself, resulting in me bending his arm so much, he flinched in pain and fell still.

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