Chapter 6

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Honestly there is so many people that I want to dedicate this to, so this chapter is for you, reader, and thank you for your support!

I don't deserve y'all



The Mandalorian: Chapter 1 (Part 6)

"Exiting hyperspace." Din's soothing voice cut through my thoughts.

I glanced up from where I was sharpening my new knife, my eyes meeting the sight of the dusty bronze-colored planet.

"Where is this?" I asked, sheathing my knife on my calf and leaning back in my seat.

He sighed as he flipped a switch in front of him, leaning back in his seat as he kept the ship steady.

"Arvala-7." He answered without looking back at me, and I hummed in acknowledgment. I had never been here before, but I wasn't really planning on staying long.

I glanced down at the tracking fob as I unhooked it from my belt, the little red light on it blinking more frequently as he maneuvered the ship to land.

I stood from the seat and climbed down the ladder with the fob in one hand, Din following as he lowered the ramp of his Crest.

It hissed as it lowered and I stepped down it as Din grabbed his rifle, strapping it over his shoulder as I held up the fob.

"I would keep that ready if I were you." I murmured, not looking at him as I slowly turned with the fob, finding it blink and pulse faster.

He didn't respond, just huffed and unstrapped it, shouldering it and scanning for danger. "Coast looks clear." He said, continuing to look down his scope. "Apart from a few native animals running around over there, I think we're good."

As soon as the words left his lips, I heard a roar and him cry out. I whipped around in surprise, finding some sort of reptile trying to take off his arm.

I quickly put away the fob and drew my blaster as Din grunted in pain and repeatedly punched the creature, trying to get it to let go.

I aimed at the creature's eye and fired, but it turned at the last second, causing the blast to miss.

Just as I was about to pull the trigger again, a small dart came whizzing through the air and struck the creature in its side, sending a jolt of electricity through it.

It bellowed and crashed to the ground, sliding a few feet before falling still, Din still trapped in it's clutches.

I rushed to his side, kneeling and trying to open it's mouth so he could get free, holstering my blaster and lifting as hard as I could.

"Hang on-" I muttered, clenching my jaw as we worked to get it open; before another strange call tore through the air, making me snap my gaze up just in time to see another creature charging at us.

Din gasped and tried to scrabble away, shoving with all of his might to pry his arm loose as I grabbed my blaster again and prepared to take it down.

Before I could; however, another dart came and brought it down with a grunt, and it slid right up to Din's feet.

I aimed my blaster straight at the stranger that approached, recognizing him as an Ugnaught riding on one of the creatures. I slowly stood, my gaze never leaving him as my blaster pointed straight at his chest.

I regarded him, glancing from the darts, to the blaster the Ugnaught was holding, piecing two and two together as I slowly lowered my blaster, holstering it as Din yanked his arm free, staring down at his broken vambrace.

"Thank you." He panted, looking back up as I regarded the newcomer.

He simply nodded, looking him over before glancing up at me.

"You are bounty hunters." He finally said, more of a statement then an actual question as he steadied the beast he rode upon.

I was silent for a second, glancing down at Din as I moved to stand protectively by his side.

"Yes." I told him, giving him a firm nod in response.

The Ugnaught was quiet for a few moments as he seemed to study us, sizing us up.

"I will help you." He uttered, nodding in return.

I tilted my head slightly in confusion as Din stared at him.

"I have spoken." He said simply, kicking his mount in the side as he turned and began to ride off.

I didn't understand why in the world he would want to help the two of us, but maybe he knew where the bounty was.

Accepting his help was better then shooting at each other.

With that in mind, I offered my partner a hand. He looked up at me for a second before taking it, pulling himself up, and glancing down at me, mumbling his thanks.

I didn't respond, clapping his shoulder plate instead and following the Ugnaught with him right behind me.


And that's all for now folks.

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