Chapter 3

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Sorry about that, I'm a fangirl...

Anyways, here ya go!



Chapter 1: The Mandalorian (Part Three)

Karga reached into his right pocket of his jacket with a hum.

"I have a bail jumper... a bail jumper... another bail jumper, a wanted smuggler." He said, placing down each puck one at a time with a metal thump.

"I'll take them all." Mando said quickly, reaching for the pucks.

I opened my mouth to snap at him, but Karga beat me to the chase.

"No, hold on," He said, placing his hands over the pucks before either of us could argue. "There are other members of the Guild, and this is all I have."

I furrowed my brows at his statement. "Why so slow?"

"Its not slow at all, actually. Very busy." Karga countered, running a finger along one of the pucks, tracing its circular shape as he stared at his reflection in my visor. "They just don't want to pay Guild rates."

He gestured with his head to a group of bounty hunters watching us from the bar. "They don't mind if things get sloppy."

I scoffed, whipping my head to look at them, making all of them shrink back in fear, before staring back at Karga.

I leaned closer to him, clenching one of my fists on the table, while I resisted the urge to draw my blaster with the other, annoyance and anger pounding through me.

"So, your telling me your not gonna give me the damn pucks because I make sure my job is done right?!" I growled incredulously, my eyes narrowed.

Who in the hell did he think he was?

Not giving me my next bounty because I don't let things get sloppy?

Was he serious?

I wasn't even pissed about the fact that he wouldn't let me have them. It was the fact that those credits would be going directly into some lowlifes pocket for another shot of Ragnar, when I could be using them to help my people.

I make sure fifty percent of all of my pay went to the Tribe, because we actually needed those credits.

There was mouths to feed, Beskar to clean, training that needed to be done for the foundlings.

What if one of them got sick?

What if because Karga didn't let me do my job, a foundling died?

The meer thought of that made my anger and guilt grow tenfold, but I held it back, telling myself to save it for the days ahead.

I gritted my teeth, leaning back against the seat of the booth as much as my jetpack would allow with a small huff of anger though my nose.

Karga's eyes were watching my every move, and he gulped nervously, the fear he was trying so hard to hide obvious in his movements.

The other Mando turned his head to look at me a little, looking to me like he was having some sort of internal struggle.

He leaned closer, but I kept my head facing forward as he turned his head to whisper in my ear.

"Cuyir gar alright?" He murmured so low, his modulator almost didn't pick it up.

Ah, so he'd noticed the way my shoulders sagged with grief.

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