"I can't do that." He told her, softly. "I need to make sure you're okay-"

"Why the hell would I be anywhere near okay right now?" Posie was hyperventilating now.

Kyros closed his eyes and sighed. "You're right, you're right." He back peddled, not wanting to escalate the situation anymore than it already was. "But I can't leave you here. I won't. I'll be here when you're ready."

It seemed like for hours, tears streamed down her face hard and fast. Loud heaving sobs tore from her throat, hurting, desperate, terrified, causing a pain in her chest

All these different scenarios ran through her head as to why he killed the human so quickly. Some of her thoughts were unrational. Was Kyros territorial and felt threatened by another human man? Did he just enjoy killing? Was this the first time it happened? Why didn't he just kill her when she first got here? Could she marry someone who could kill so easily?

Some of her thoughts were justified, such as why did he do it? Why couldn't he let her get some answers as to why and how she's here? Why not interrogate the man?

She eventually tired herself out from crying so hard and slumped against the door. She sniffled and wiped her eyes with the backs of her sleeves.

In a small voice, she rasped, "Why did you kill him, Kyros?"

Kyros sat up, surprised she spoke. "Everything I do is for your safety." He explained to her, earnestly. "He planned on taking you."

Her lips quivered and her lashes brimmed heavy with tears. "To where?" She asked. "How did he even get here?"

He opened his mouth to reply, but frankly, he didn't have all the answers. "I don't know."

"He is the only person I've come across that can tell me how I got here, how you got here, how this whole place exists, all of it." She snapped at him. "But you killed him. Now we continue not to know how we even got here and why." 

He hung his and and mumbled quietly, "I'm sorry."

She covered her face with her hands and took a deep breath. "You're not telling me everything, Kyros." She caught his lie. "What aren't you telling me?"

She heard his breath catch in his throat from the other side of the door. Hesitantly, he responded, "the humans... they sent a note a few moons ago."

Her head perked up at that, sitting up straighter. "What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Didn't want you to be scared." He truthfully replied. "The letter is under the mattress."

With unsteady, shaky legs, she stood and lifted the hay. Sure enough, there it was. She unfolded the paper, thankfully the writing was in English.

Greetings, Posie.

We're glad to see you've successfully made it to Planet X. We've sent one of our men to get you to return to earth for testing. Thank you for your cooperation.

The letter wasn't signed.

"For testing?" She read out loud.

"I think it's for a child." He replied, softly. "But I fear humans aren't being as truthful as they say they are. They say they want peace, but.... But the human was armed. I've never seen a weapon like it before."

Slowly, the door creaked open, her head peeking out of it. "Can I see the weapon?"

He nodded and went to retrieve it. What he brought back made her gasp.

"He had a gun?" She exasperated. "Did he hurt anyone?"

"He did, but Drax will recover." Drax was a kind hearted faun, wouldn't ever hurt a fly unless it came down to protecting his people. Kyros's expression saddened, his eyebrows knitting together. "It hurt Drax's shoulder, but thankfully Ziba took the human down before he could hurt anyone else."

Her eyes welled with tears, horrified a human would attack someone so gentle, but relieved it seemed he was okay.

"We have never heard of... guns?" He said the last part in question. When she nodded, confirming that's what it was called, he continued. "There was a piece of the gun in his shoulder they took out. Is that what it should have been done? It won't poison him?"

"That would be a bullet." She sighed. "There's no poison involved, but it can do some major damage to your muscles, tendons, and everything, really. It comes out of the gun and can easily kill someone- anyone of you. Taking the bullet out was definitely the best thing to do. Do you know if they got the bleeding to stop?"

"They did. He'll be okay."

She let out a breath in relief.

It was quiet for a moment before Kyros summed up the courage to speak. "I'm sorry, Posie. I didn't want you to see that."

Her teeth caught her lower lip and bit down hard. Not only did she watch him murder someone in a horrific way, it was a human. The murder would scar her for life. But now that she found out why Kyros did what he did, maybe his killing was justified. The human struck first, unprovoked. Who knows what the human would have done with her. Why would earth take her back and do tests to see if she was pregnant if she had no recollection of being sent here by them in the first place?

"I understand if you can't find it in yourself to forgive me right now." He replied, softly. "But I just want you to know how sorry I am that you saw it."

She nodded, but said nothing more.

"I will always protect you. Always. Even from your own kind. They gave you up too easily. I'd never, ever, do that to you. Do you understand that?"

Her eyes welled with tears again and she nodded her head. "Yeah," she breathed. "Yeah I do."

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Question of the chapter: Why do you think the humans want Posie back 🤔

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