The man laughed in utter glee. "I knew you learned English! I knew it! I put money on it back at the..." he drawled as if he caught himself from saying something he shouldn't.

Posie peeked back around the corner to watch the interaction again.

Kyros grunted out something that sounded like a growl. "Why are you here?"

"She's not yours to keep. She got to be your toy for now, but times up. We're here to take her back if she's-" his voice was cut off, and an eerie silence filled the air.

Her throat closed in threat of screaming, her jaw became tight. Bile rose in the back of her throat and the floor felt as if it began to sway under her feet. Her legs twitched as they fought the impulse whirl around and run- but drop to the floor in a heap all in the same.

"Clean this up before your queen sees it." Kyros spat. Something dropped to the ground with a loud 'thud.'

The image was on replay in her brain of her soon to be husband ripping the human man's head clean off his shoulders.

The guards dragged the body away, another grabbed the decapitated head. Kyros found a rag and made quick work of cleaning the crimson blood off his hands. His actions were stopped as soon as he heard a gut wrenching sob come from the top of the stairs.

It was Posie.

Kyros clambered to the top of the stairs, horrified to discover what she had just witnessed. He desperately reached out to hold her and comfort her, but all she saw was the red staining his hands. The same hands that just effortlessly ripped a human's head from his shoulders.

Posie knew Kyros was remarkably strong. He was a frighteningly dangerous being, hunter, warrior.... killer. But now she saw first hand how easily he could kill a human without even batting an eye. It seemed easy to him how easily he ripped the man's head off, easy with no emotion in his eyes.

That is until now. The sheer terror in his eyes from Posie's reaction broke him. He hadn't seen that look in her eyes for a long time now, but suddenly, he was the monster in the story again.

He tried to soothe her, but she just became more frantic, the beating of her own heart too loud to hear his comforting words. "Posie, I'm-"

She cried out and slapped his hands away. She couldn't hear her own words, so she ended up repeating herself over and over, louder and louder each time. It was as if every sound that escaped her mouth was set to the frequency that would shatter his heart to pieces again and again and again. He didn't want to scare her even more and stopped trying to reach her, but didn't move away either.

"Posie, listen-"

That's when she ran. She heard his harrowing footsteps run after her, so she just pushed herself harder. She threw open the door to the bedroom, no where else to go, and locked it shut. 

Her body slid to the cold floor as she shivered in fear, the pounding of his footsteps following made her feel so helpless. Tears welled in her eyes, flowing against her wishes. She could see his shadow coming through the small crack at the bottom of the door, making the little hairs on her body stand up.

"Posie?" He called, his footsteps stopping just outside the bedroom door.

Her hands clamped tightly over her quivering mouth, as his fists pounded on the other side of the door. Every time she closed her eyes she just saw the dead man's head, tossed to the side.

"Rebo, please." He pleaded, his voice raspy with emotion. "I'm sorry. I'm not trying to scare you."

"Please, just," she choked on a sob. "leave me alone."

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