Chapter 11: "Nappy time"

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Rome and the others refused that I walked to the car or anywhere at all so Rome carried me again. The car ride back to the mansion was silent but I didn't mind that. Noises increased my headache so I was grateful for the silence, I only put my head on Rome's shoulder and rested it there.

We passed the gate and drove up to the mansion again. As the house came into my view I could see three men standing by the door and running towards the car as soon as they saw it.

One of the men was Jonathan, the other Darien but I couldn't tell who the third man was. Rome picked me up again and carried me inside the house. I didn't look at the waiting men as I was simply too exhausted.

"Mommy!" I heard Caleb sob as I saw him running towards Rome and me. Cailyn tried to catch him but wasn't able to in her pregnant state. "Mom-mommy?" Caleb stopped in front of us and started bawling his eyes out.

I tapped Rome's shoulder and told him to let me down. He refused strongly and didn't listen to me.

"Let us take care of him, you need to rest now." Before I could say anything else Rome was already carrying me up the stairs and towards his room.

Ian had followed us and brought a lot of pillows with him and propped them on the bed. The two made sure I was sitting upright like the doctor had instructed and Lijah gave me two pills and a bottle of water.

I took the painkillers and swallowed them with some water. As I was done I saw Jonathan walk into the room with a crying Caleb in his arms. As soon as Caleb saw where he was and spotted me on the bed he wiggled around heavily in Jonathan's arms until he was let down, then Caleb ran up to the bed and climbed up.

"Mommy scared." He jumped on my legs and hugged my torso.

I patted his back and kissed his forehead. "I'm fine baby. Why don't you tell me what you and Cailyn did together."

He took my face in his hands and kissed my cheek. I smiled as he had obviously calmed down a bit.

"Blood, mommy hurt?" Caleb sobbed again as he pointed at me.

I slowly looked down at my clothes and pulled the covers higher over me as I saw the dried blood on my white blouse. I looked at Rome who was sitting beside me on the bed and just when I wanted to ask him to get me a new shirt he was already moving.

"On it, do you have any comfortable shirts you can wear?" Rome asked as he walked over to my suitcase, he looked back at me shortly to look for a reaction, but I shook my head slowly. "Okay, then you can wear one of mine." He moved to his wardrobe and opened a drawer, taking a black shirt out of it.

He moved back to my suitcase and got the shorts, which I had worn at night, out. Then he came back to me. Under some protest Caleb released his hug around my torso and Rome was able to help me change into the new clothes. His shirt was really comfortable but huge on me, after all I was only 5'3 and he was easily 6' tall if not taller.

"How are you feeling, mia bambina?" (my baby girl) Jonathan asked as he sat on the side of the bed and pushed a strand of my blond hair behind my ear.


He nodded in understanding and smiled lovingly at me. Even though I hadn't seen such an expression directed at me before, I knew that his smile was loving and caring.

"You should rest now, bambina." He moved closer and kissed the top of my head.

It gave me a strange feeling; it was nothing compared to the feeling my mother gave me. I wasn't even sure if I would have let Jonathan do this if it wasn't for my current state. I only knew him for a day nothing more. But for now, I'll push the thoughts aside as I'm getting more and more tired.

I found my Family (On Hold) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang